Outwardly it sounds like good news however do any of us think anything is ever going to be done about these criminal Oligarchs? It seems that whatever evidence is put forward it is shut down by the MSM ,so the fight needs to start by shutting them down. Check out my article
" Don't wanna be an American Idiot" over at @tremendospercy for a way to hit them where it hurts. Upvoted Sean.
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Nice advert
tremendo, nice piece, upvoted. I particularly like the reference to Mr. & Mrs. McCain... Zionist scum.
Thanks buddy
I just don't understand the mentality of then people of Arizona. How can they keep voting for the moron? He's clearly out of his mind. We have awful politician here in Britain however I'm sure even here he would be locked in a rubber room forever. He's probably a paedophile they seem to get lifetime protection and only get outed when they croak. Check out my post "The BBC - The worlds most powerful propaganda machine" @tremendospercy