Will there still be any rhinos left for our children to see?
Since 2008 these (assholes)/poachers have killed more than 5,940 African Rhino’s in Africa. The question is how long can this continue...at this going rate there will be none left in only a few years.
WARNING!! The following images is disturbing
What can you do as an fellow earthling?
Don’t show any support for rhino horn products.
Make donations and show support at anti rhino poaching trusts.
http://www.stoprhinopoaching.com/ https://www.savetherhino.org/Get involved. Visit anti rhino poaching sites to see if there’s something
you can do.Share this post to help raise awareness
*Long live to rhinos!
The problem is demand and demonstrative public burning of rhino horn just make situation worse. It is subsidy to price.
IMO clever solution is synthetic / bio-fabricated rhino horn sold "illegally" and thus making chaos and uncertainty of consumers.
Production and smuggling of drugs was never stopped so we can not hope that it will turn out well with rhino killing.