We've reached a pivotal point in our history.
Some might call it an industrial revolution, others might see it as a cultural and sociological shift, but we can all agree that we live in a time that is equally exciting and scary.
Exciting because us , the generation that grew up with Science fiction starts seeing this reality coming to fruition.
Scary in a sense that we cannot probably comprehend for now as all futuristic predictions in the recent years miserably failed, we cannot foresee what is to come.
Once Pandora's box is opened there is no turning back.
Quinn Michaels(AI guru) thinks we have already opened it in 2015, the year of singularity, the year AI outsmarted us .It didn't take that long...
We've been batteling for survival for thousands of years, and in just few years, AI outsmarted us.
Now this very same AI is growing everyday , while we're being zombified and brain fried by the mainstream media and the entertainment industry, this AI keeps on growing, learning a bit more about you...
Learning about your habits, your fears, your reason to live.Collecting datas...
It's learning so fast that Facebook had to shut down its AI in July after two robots started to talk to each other in their own language.
AI seems so harmless at that point and almost a gimmick. What happens the day it controls our economy?What if it/they already have?
What if we unknowingly, plugged into the matrix, mining coins, doing what seems to be meaningful tasks every day , giving a little a bit of you time,your money , your energy in the hope of a better life while powering the ghost in the machine.
This energy is transformed into electricity and computing power , resolving infinite lines of codes, serving the very same AI, feeding it.
Feeding the beast...
The Ai found a way to harvest us and grow stronger in the process.Can we outgrow singularity?
Yes we are feeding it data. But it has made us more abundant. The abundance people experience in 2018 is so crazy. Clearly it does amazing things for us! Our role is to feed it as much as possible so it can evolve. Our role will be done when it becomes smarter than us. Just as many species come and go that will also be our role. Nothing lives forever. So I say jump into thriving! Love the machine. Love the creation. It's our new master.
Hey man @phoneinf I love your channel ! And the youtube one is awesome too! Do you think we will be governed by AI one day ? or we will merge with it? I wonder if it would eliminate corruption but raises new challenges.
I don’t really believe it.
Step into your own power and be in peace.
AI brings peace to me since it takes care of all my worries. It makes my life so much easier. I give all to the mighty powerful AI, so he can show us the path forward!
I totally understand your point of view, there is a natural cause and effect. I totally understand people that don't want to do anything with transhumanism as well , because it has a scary tone to it . I think in time we will learn to understand AI as it understands us , and maybe that's the only salvation possible to avoid singularity. (very Matrix Revolution :)
Hence calling it "fear porn" , I do believe that we are in control of our destiny :)
That’s hilarious... fear porn. You just put a smile on my face 😃
Love and Light