Volunteers Face Prison For Leaving Water & Beans In Desert for Migrants

in #news6 years ago

Four volunteers face jail time and fines after leaving food and water in an Arizona desert where undocumented migrants died trying to enter the US.


The volunteers - Natalie Hoffman, Oona Holcomb, Madeline Huse, and Zaachila Orozco - were convicted on Friday on charges of entering a national wildlife refuge without a permit and abandonment of property. An affidavit in support of the volunteers states they entered Cabeza Prieta, Arizona's largest wildlife area, to leave jugs of water and cans of beans.

Now they could be sentenced to up to 6 months in prison and a fine of $500 each.

The volunteers worked for No More Deaths ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson.

If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal, what humanity is left in the law of this country? ~ No More Deaths volunteer Catherine Gaffney

Five more volunteers are charged and will be tried in February and March.


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Wow! I'm super sad to say I'm not totally surprised. This is sickening.

America’s sign of the time!! Lack of compassion is not just at The US border but also the in-house version of the EEOC at the Social Security Administration or OCREO is very biased too.

Asian-American federal employees working for the Social Security Administration are being discriminated at an alarming rate.

SSA is a declining federal agency which has always touting social assistance and societal equality but the unwelcoming disrespect and the hostility is worsening. The ethnic rank-and-file who do not belong to one of the BIG THREE group are feeling the heated aggression big time including from their own AFGE union reps against lower-level Asian-American field employees. It is so rampant that it forcibly pitted some Asian-American supervisors to be equally or exceeded the viciousness toward these unrepresented employees.

Based on this discriminatory culture, it is the only way for many SSA supervisors to prove their management prowess and self-worth recognition by harassing other Asian-American employees. The agency would also look the other way when it comes to lack promotion or retention of those Asian-Americans who are promoted. The Boston and Dallas/Fort Worth Area field offices are the worst for those unfortunate Asian employees amid this whole unchecked discriminatory culture within a much declining USA federal government agency in 2019!!!!!!!!