Silly Corbett, trying to engineer a crisis to fulfill your geopolitic aims through "rent-a-mob" and "snipers shooting both sides to raise tensions" is so 2017.
The current trend in 2018 would be to indoctrinate youngsters in colleges (preferrably those who are in a lot of debt because of their student loans and since they took a degree course which didn't give them any marketable skills,they are especially vulnerable to want to blame someone or something for all of their problems) and tell them that every problem in the world is caused by capitalism and fill their heads with collectivist utopian thinking while telling them that anyone who disagrees with them or hurts their feelings are "fascists" and these "fascists" should not be allowed to say anything freely and if these "fascists" ever oppose their worldview, they should be dealt with through violence, examples include collectivst left wing groups such a AntiFa and BAMN.The best part about this tactic is that it can be used on both sides of the political spectrum as it could also used on collectivist right wing groups such as the Identitarian Movement,Kekistan,(just fill their head with the idea that everything wrong with the world comes from immigrants and from Soros is the only globalist throughout human history) and tell them that the Left cannot be reasoned with and indirectly encourage organized violence (sometimes under the guise of trolling/shitposting to avoid repurcussions) against Muslims/Leftists and make it sound as if it is an extremely grand task that needs to be undertaken by "alpha males" to "save Western Civilization from "rapefugees"
Using such tactics is not only cost-effective but also helps arouse the ego of multi-billionaire Rothschild Zionist Agents who view themselves as super smart puppetmasters who control everything.It also helps to create a global network of useful idiots willing to destroy the very fabric of their local community solely because they want everyone to completely agree with them and if you don't then to them you support opposing politicians.
This network of useful idiots would be so useful that they would be used in the coming years to shift the blame of the imminent global economic crisis from unelected and unaacountable Central Bankers to Islam/Muslims/CIS White Men/Evil Feminists/Nationalists.
This is not mere speculation that there is a drive towards shifting the blame for the upcoming economic crisis onto Islam instead of the actual perpetrators aka the Central Bankers but it is a documented fact revealed by Nick Griffin from the BNP
You left out one key point from your video and that is the fact that certain media outlets manages the generational myths that arises years after the engineered crisis.Like Philip Zelikow(Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission) said "generational myths" forms years after an event and unless people wake up to the obvious and not allow the corporate media to repeat a lie over and over again till the masses believe the lie to be the truth, all of our efforts in exposing the truth behind an engineered crisis might eventually become useless,years after the crisis with most future generations believing the lie concocted by the corporatist thinktanks and intelligence agencies.