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RE: Is it plausible that the Dallas shooting was partly orchestrated?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Re: Roof and "arresting him with guns drawn"

Yeah, "guns drawn" ... until they see who it is and they put their guns away immediately, completely relax and act like it's no big deal.

That's exactly how cops react to a mass murderer in every real situation. "Oh hey, it's just the mass murdering kid we're looking for, everyone calm down, relax and holster your weapons". [/sarcasm]

In the Dallas situation it also makes zero sense how they handled it. The suspect has told police that he's placed explosives in areas of Dallas and next ... "What's the plan Chief?" ... "Obviously we need to send a robot in with a bomb and blow his ass up!" ... "But Sir, what about the bombs he's left all over Dallas, shouldn't we apprehend him to determine their locations?" ... "Fuck that Johnson, I said blow his ass up with a robot!".

Yeah, seems legit.


Right? I didn't look at from that point but yea that seems silly.

If he wasn't out in the open and cornered himself, not much a sniper team can do. If he's alone, I can understand the tactics of using a bomb drone, but the legalities are insane. I'm waiting to hear who authorized that technique. Answer that question and you should be able to guess at some more.

That said, ignoring the racial division that is being actively exploited is folly. Police are being used as scapegoats by people who want to create pawns in their broader war for power. Even that ignores the far more dangerous threat abroad coming from Islam.

Even if you could somehow convince yourself that race didn't play a role in the attacks in Dallas (even though I haven't heard any first hand accounts point otherwise), there are some serious problems facing the United States right now and a major fight is brewing.

The police arent being used as scapegoats. They are doing this to themselves. The ones who are using their badges to hunt and kill like a sport is self explanatory. The cops who silently sit by and do/say nothing are just as guilty as the wrong doers. These are the same folks who expect civilians to step forward and tell them who shot John so they can solve crime....BUT they wont tell on each other.... double standard. Scapegoats? No...abuse of power? Yes. Brotherhood protection? Absolutely.

The key to this is to kill and make sure that person doesnt get a chance to tell their side of the story. They dig up their past, illuminate it and destroy a dead mans character.

Uhm... the dude in Dallas was an "active shooter" who murdered police officers.

Allegedly. He received no due process. He was blown to pieces when he could have been gassed ... by a robot, and apprehended, questioned and faced a trial. Instead the police blew him up ... with a robot bomb ... and even worse, people think this is acceptable because the police told them he was a bad guy who did bad things to them.

How do we know that? How do we know he's "the guy"? We were just told he was the guy. For all we know he could be one of the registered gun owners walking among the protesters that ran in fear. The one that turned himself in was told that the police had him on film shooting at people and that witnesses saw him shooting at people, none of which was true.

How do we know for sure that the guy they blew up was the shooter? Because they say so? That's what it's come to in America? Sure blow a guy up because the police say he did it ... American Justice!

What if someone gets "SWATTED" and they hide in their house in fear and refuse to come out, because they fear for their life, having no clue why a SWAT team is raiding their house. Should we all just say, "fuck it, send in the robot bomb!"? Is this what the American people have been brainwashed into believing is proper conduct? Has human life lost all of it's value to Americans? Seriously WTF?!

Yep -- wrote that first sentence BEFORE I re-read your post :D Was hoping you wouldn't have caught it but you were too quick for me!

Dude.. I was agreeing with you. I said I understand tactically the use of a bomb robot, but legally its all sorts of fucked up. Ask the question who authorized it and you should be pulling on a very important thread.

I was simply addressing your original first sentence, because it's an improper way to view the situation in my opinion. I would assume you agree since you've now removed it. ;)