We can smirk at Dimon's venality, crassness, and outright criminality- but he's completely correct in some of his statements (the mark of every great con-man and fraudster, just look at Bernie Madoff).
EVERY currency system is pure vaporware. Crypto is no different, it is simply unbreakably documented. Barter is the only economy that doesn't depend solely on trust throughout the entire chain of custody. That doesn't make it "good", only "real" in a far more fundamental sense.
I agree, yes - I personally advocate for the total ending of all forms of money, but since I am surrounded by people who aren't listening who claim to 'own' everything.. I 'buy into' the program to a certain extent too.. for now.
The alternative (to not "buying into" it) isn't terribly inviting unless your objective is renunciation of social interaction...
What we need is jiu-jitsu against the evil parts of it, and flow with what isn't outright evil!
Well stated fact.