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RE: dTube: Trump- I Got Rid of Obamacare, IRS- No You Didn't

in #news7 years ago

Your statement is inaccurate....

The following has changed in regards to "Obamacare":

1.) Individual mandate removed
2.) You are now allowed to use your pretax HSA funds to cover premiums
3.) $45mm goes to states annually to fight opioid abuse
4.) Medicaid expansion will end by 2024
5.) Catastrophic plan age limits were raised
6.) Makes it easier for the sale of health insurance across state lines
7.) Allows tax payers to deduct premiums on their tax returns
8.) Require providers to use price transparency, limit over charging
9.) Removed barriers for drug providers to enter free markets
10.) I'll stop here...1-9 aims at actually making health coverage affordable

Obamacare did introduce the preexisting condition clause, that was wonderful. But it also forced the generation (age 30's-50's) clobbered by student loan debt to float the bill for health care to a large portion of unemployed, not looking for jobs, Americans. If Congress would work with President Trump, he would build a law that would use the positives of each plan.