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I’m currently blocked from twitter for a fight involving a troll . I’m very proud about that . I’m becoming confrontational with both Neil Tyson and Bill the science guy on the moon landings and demanding a detailed analysis into how we got three men in a tin can past the Van Allen Belts⁉️ Questions that were posted to their websites and e-mails . Their web sites are monitored so I don’t expect an answer there . But I have their numbers . I have a facebook account but its not being used for anything more then to post anti - establishment stuff . I was never a social media follower and really always saw it a s a JOKE . So no real loss here , but I do let them know what I think from time to time . I get a real kick out of it . LOL 😆 I’ve got people looking into your sites , I really love your stuff and I’ll go to both MINDS and BitChute and fallow you there 👏👍 They are on the RUN BRO❗️😁 The internet by itsself has caused them so much damage that I really don’t know how long it will stay up ⁉️🤔 ⏰ We’ll keep up the presure . And ISRAEL is a TERRORIST ZIONIST STATE❗️And should be ashamed for the way its behaving . FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 ❗️ See you around T U ✌️♥️👊🏻