Hopefully you are correct and this all happens, which in reality means the DEEP STATE is removed from it/s parasitic role in our .GOV and we can return to a more Constitutional form of governance. Have you ever read the Road to ROOTA theory? 😊 😋 😎
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Well we need to stop hoping and start making and doing things to makle it happen as it needs to no @underground ?? As for the Road to Roota, no I have not heard of it actually ! So tell me a little on this please )
roadtoroota.com and the guy running the website was quite non-political, did not like Trump or Killary, but now Trump is filling in the blanks for his RTR theory quite well, and he (Box Weir) believes that Trump and the GOOD GUYS have taken over, and are rooting out the Deep State as we speak.
Yeah well this is what I am seeing too to be frank why I am always trying to get across to people to stop banging on about Trump and stop villifying him because the media told them to do it ! Which is about what happened, as before he was President Trump was a much respeceted individual that was a star on TV 1 But as soon as he proposed running against Killary he was a racist dumbass that need to be shot between the eyes ! Just goes to show how the TV totally dictates how people think or dont more )))