Hi. The word 'propaganda' only refers to 'information that is propagated'. The negative connotation of the word ironically appeared during world wars when each side tried to point the finger at the other and say 'look at their propaganda' (while they were actually both also putting out propaganda that contained lies).
1.Which particular point are you rebutting by saying she never claimed to be an authority?
2.Greta's speeches are checked by professors. How do you know exactly what she does and doesn't do? Do you really KNOW? Or are you assuming and trusting with blind faith?
I'd say you are putting a strawman in there by saying he is 'triggered by her youth' - he has provided numerous points that stand on their own. You can respond to the points if you like.
3."Nothing will happen until enough people wake up and push for action from the politicians.". My own perspective is that state intervention is not an answer to anything. Typically, it's the state that tends to cause many problems. Plenty could occur if people were highly prioritising their decisions based on facts. The fact, though, it seems - are contested and people are so heavily lied to from all angles for their whole lives, it is unsurprising that many don't take action in the ways you or I might like.
4."now the speaker is saying a bunch of religious BS." - I don't recall that - which part are you referring to? Are you referring to a reference to a religion without God?
5."Greta has assistants, not handlers, and collaborates with climate scientists. But as I said, nobody is using her to do anything."
- how do you KNOW that? You seem to be speaking from direct personal experience - do you know her personally?
I am also anti fascist. Antifa is not a card carrying group, it is an ideology, therefore, in a sense anyone who is anti fascist is Antifa - or they are inactive and achieving nothing. The problem with Antifa seems to be that they often attack the wrong targets and act without the needed wisdom to cause others to respect them. Honestly, I have seen some of the most ridiculous nonsense ever coming from some within their active group - despite me basically agreeing with their political intention. Many view antifa as having been taken over by extremist communist and groups of that kind - who may even not be truly anti-fascist, just t here to derail the movement. Never underestimate the extent to which psychological operations are being carried out on Earth - they have huge budgets and backing.
As far as her travel is concerned, as I understand it - she is planning on returning to Europe by plane.. However, for me, the main point is that there is a connection between the boat she travelled on and some of the most corrupt people on Earth. I haven't had time to dive deeply into that topic though. I personally don't have a problem with her flying on planes.
6."People are saying you are insecure about Greta because of her youth and gender" - are you sure? Who are these people who have been talking about me? Maybe you can point me to them.
"Have you discussed the science of climate change, at all? No, because you have no argument,"
Again, how do you know that? Are you monitoring my every move? Really?
"No, because you have no argument, and that's why you resort to personal attacks."
Please show me where I have resorted to personal attacks.
"Anyways, you will make a quick buck off some clueless idiots, which is your main reason for making this video"
You seem to be talking as if I am the author of the video here. I am not.
How is the author of the video making money from it? From adverts? He has millions of views anyway.
7.Ok, so you have clearly switched from replying to me personally, to talking to the person in the video who isn't here. We are different people.
p.s. Ad hominem attack is not part of the scientific method.
Don’t waste time on sheep
Sorry about not being clear. I'm addressing the speaker in the video.