I do not have a need to assess groups of people only in relation to other groups of people. There may be many groups of people far more dysfunctional than those operating the zionist agenda, but that does not change the reality of their own state of being and intent. Perhaps all that self criticism (lack of self acceptance) is part of the cause of the missing balance here. Supremacism starts in the heart (or lack of heart) and doesn't really require much more than a deep lack of self acceptance, combined with denials that twist the truth. What can start as a fear of being less than worthy can be turned around into an over compensation of 'definitely being extremely worthy' to the point of being 'god's chosen people'. This combination of ideological belief and lack of stability at the core of the being is enough to sow seeds that can grow into supremacism in the right conditions.
There are those who claim that there is no such concept within judaism that relates to a supremacist atttiude, however, I have seen myself that there are (alleged) jews in Israel who act every bit as supremacist as certain Germans did when Hitler was around - this is well known by many. It is of no use to lump together millions of people and treat them all as if they are the same, this is unfair and inaccurate and I am certainly not saying that all people who identify as Jews or who live in Israel are this way, since they are not. However, the government there certainly has contained people who are that way - including the well known minister 'Ayelet Shaked' who so unwisely called for what amounts to genocide - citing other evil actions carried out by Britain and America previously as justification. It is fine to point out the causes for people's heartlessness and twisted logic, but nothing can excuse it.
Ayelet Shaked quoting Uri Elitzur
Seems like a rational approach to war not "called for what amounts to genocide" .