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RE: Hollywood Actor Kevin Spacey Accused Of Raping A 14 Year Old Actor; Media Downplays Allegations

in #news7 years ago

Damn that's funny, LOL.

But Goddamnit, now we know why he plays such a convincing psychopath on House of Cards. Hell he and the first lady have a 3 way with a secret service agent in one episode.


I saw that part, but not the most recent HOC season. It's supposedly based on the Clintons, I think I need to rewatch it with that in mind after recent events ..

OOhh Yeah, definitely based on the Clintons and I think I'd also like to revisit this series later on. I only watched an episode or 2 of the last season as real life politics this past year has been absolutely insane.

It's based off Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.