DNA, Patent Law, and Human Rights

in #news5 years ago

this post by @activistpost and suspect it involves subject matter that many would benefit from considering. Here is the relevant excerpt:I wrote a reply regarding mandatory vaccination to @conradt on

The vaccine proposed has a couple problems with it, besides that the latest test caused 100% of the subjects to suffer major side effects. That's not being tested on animals first either, those are people suffering those side effects.

The first problem with the proposed vaccine for SARS2 is that they cannot make an ordinary vaccine for coronaviruses. When they try to make attenuated or dead virus vaccines, like they do for almost all other diseases for which there are vaccines, they get an antibody response, which is what they want. But when the subject later is infected with the respiratory virus, they suffer increased morbidity, illness, and death over unvaccinated subjects, at about double the harm of unvaccinated subjects. Twice as many die.

So they propose a DNA vaccine, which is claimed to improve our immune system by altering our DNA.

Fuck that.

Then, Bill Gates and Pirbright have patented certain SARS2 sequences that will be included in such a DNA altering vaccine. Back in the 1990s Monsanto was testing it's Roundup Ready crops. It planted huge fields of GMO soy, corn, and etc., to see how well they worked. They had patented their GMO crops. Neighboring farmers grew similar crops, but Monsanto hadn't sold the seed to their crop to them. Still in testing.

When crops began to be pollinated in the fall, Monsanto's crops blow pollen all over their neighbors fields, pollinating their crops with Monsanto's patented products. After the harvest began, Monsanto sued their neighbors for growing their patented crops without paying for them.

The courts ruled in Monsanto's favor, and assessed monetary damages the neighbors were obliged to pay Monsanto, because no matter how it had happened, they had grown Monsanto's property. Many of the poor farmers in S. America, as well as the USA, could not afford to pay Monsanto the price they set on their products. Their farms were seized, and sold to satisfy the judgments owed Monsanto.

If you get injected with patented DNA, Bill Gates and Pirbright will own you, or at least have a proprietary interest in you, for which you may be assessed a monetary judgement to buy yourself from Bill Gates. If you think slavery is illegal in the USA, better read the 13th Amendment, because it is legal for the government to enslave people under the condition they have been convicted of a crime. There are ~2M slaves being held by government in the USA right now.

When the courts are forced to rule on Bill Gates SARS2 vaccine patent, they will be forced to expand the exemption allowing slavery to account for the actual ownership interest Bill Gates will have in your DNA.

Fuck that too.

So, for a disease that presently is claimed by the CDC and the WHO to have a CFR (Case Fatality Rate) of ~half the seasonal flu, the corrupt USG under Trump is going to allow the corrupt state governments to force Americans to become Bill Gate's property by mandating vaccination with his patented vaccine.

I'm agin' it. Since you really aren't told what's in vaccines - and research has revealed numerous unidentified nanoparticles in vaccines, that aren't listed on the label, and no one knows what they do (except maybe the corrupt pharmaceutical companies that put them in there) - what makes you think the DNA vaccine will be any different?

Maybe some other genetic changes will be included. Maybe Bill Gates wants his new hordes of slaves to find him sexy, and knows which genes to tweak to make you think he's sexy.

Either way, if you have rights, they are part of you, and have been produced by your natural person being born, with the parts you have, mental, physical, and chemical, and including your DNA. The right to change your DNA is exactly the same as the right to kill you. It is the right to end your humanity itself, and that humanity is why you have rights.

If you weren't human, like if you were a toaster, you wouldn't have rights. Changing your DNA means you aren't a natural human being anymore, and you won't have rights anymore either. As a human person, you'll be dead.

Fuck that all to hell.


IMG source - SwarthmorePhoenix.com


Monsanto also went after farmers in the US due to cross pollinating. I saw some of the farmers they were after discussing it in a documentary called Food.inc. They talked of Monsanto sending detectives out in the middle of the night to collect samples from their crops, which shows they understood completely what would happen and how it gave them a weapon against those not bowing down to their monopoly.

If people want this vaccination, I say let them. But leave me out of it, not wanting it. If the vaccine does what they claim, it will make them safe from me if I get it. If it doesn't make them safe from those of us unvaccinated, remind me again why people want it?

"If the vaccine does what they claim, it will make them safe from me if I get it. If it doesn't make them safe from those of us unvaccinated, remind me again why people want it?"


Why don't your rewards show up? Im just wondering as you get harassed a lot and I had problems loading "this" page that makes me suspicious. Just keeping an eye out for bad actors causing you problems.

Anyway, Covid-19 believers, ask yourself..

"Why would they RUSH an untested, experimental DNA vaccine into production then MANDATE everyone take it just to combat something less dangerous than the common flu?"

Doesn't that set off alarm bells?
Make you go hmm?
Just a little?

Out of the goodness of my heart, I'll let you test take the vaccine first.

No GMO for me, thanks.

Bernie seems to want to really suppress this information, so they have added another flagbot to eliminate my rewards.

I wouldn't have noticed, except you brought it to my attention.

I agree with you regarding GMO, but you have to secure your DNA from forced alteration. Operation Legend has put Federal US Troops on the ground in American cities, like Portland and Chicago, and when the vaccines are available to forcibly inject in us, those troops will be too, to do the forcing.

This is a blatant violation of Posse Comitatus. The first batches of vaccine are predicted to be available in October, so we don't have a lot of time to prepare to secure our physical persons from forced DNA alteration by armed troops.

Good points made, and yesir, let's bury the entire vaccination politics...
It's on! My body, my choice.

I saw that President Trump launched Operation Legend, which sends Federal Police to American cities. These police wear soldiers uniforms, battle harnesses, and carry military weapons. They have tanks, jets, rocket launchers. They aren't cops. They're soldiers, and by calling them 'police' the Trump Administration is pretending ordering the US military to undertake operations in American cities isn't a violation of the Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act.

It is 'soft' martial law.

They're not going to give us a choice. Texas, Arizona, and probably other states I don't live in, have already passed mandatory vaccination laws. The troops are being put in place now. When the vaccines have been produced in sufficient quantity, people willing to be vaccinated will be, starting in October or so. They're testing them on people now, skipping animal trials completely.

But that won't be enough, so they'll do whatever they have to, like send squads of troops door to door to forcibly vaccinate us. This isn't the 'right' or the 'left' doing this, but both of them working together in a complex plan that has put the boots on the ground today.

The left encouraged the riots, which gave the right the excuse necessary to send in the military forces.

The martial law won't be so soft come January 2021, when the vaccines are ready to inject.

If we want to make that decision, we'd better prepare now to keep the authority over our bodies when armed troops seek to take it from us then.

I'm agin' it. Since you really aren't told what's in vaccines - and research has revealed numerous unidentified nanoparticles in vaccines, that aren't listed on the label, and no one knows what they do (except maybe the corrupt pharmaceutical companies that put them in there) - what makes you think the DNA vaccine will be any different?

Maybe some other genetic changes will be included. Maybe Bill Gates wants his new hordes of slaves to find him sexy, and knows which genes to tweak to make you think he's sexy.

Do you mean that it is impossible to make a corona antivirus?

In Korea and China, with the support of Bill Gates, it is advertised that corona virus vaccines can be made.

Vaccines for measles, mumps, and other diseases for which there are vaccines, use dead virus or live but weakened virus. Those kinds of vaccines do not work for respiratory viruses, because there is a separate and unique immune mechanism that works in our respiratory tract. When those kinds of vaccines are tried for respiratory viruses, they make getting the disease worse. Roughly twice as many people die.

This is why there is no vaccine for SARS, respiratory syncytial virus, or the common cold (other coronaviruses) today. In animal testing increased morbidity, illness, and death resulted from all such attempts, and when tried on people anyway, people died too (two babies died from a respiratory syncytial virus vaccine trial).

So, Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies are proposing changing our immune system by modifying our DNA, supposedly to make it stronger against SARS2 virus. It is not that vaccines cannot be made. It is that using the dead or attenuated live virus vaccines will make catching the SARS2 virus twice as deadly.

Changing our DNA can be done, but I absolutely will not allow Bill Gates - or anyone else - to change my DNA by force until after I am dead. That is the kind of vaccine that Bill Gates is proposing: a DNA vaccine that will turn people into GMOs.

So, Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies are proposing changing our immune system by modifying our DNA, supposedly to make it stronger against SARS2 virus. It is not that vaccines cannot be made. It is that using the dead or attenuated live virus vaccines will make catching the SARS2 virus twice as deadly.

Does Bill Gates claim that altering human genes creates a corona virus vaccine?
The Korean government has advertised that corona virus vaccines are coming soon from the United States.

Changing our DNA can be done, but I absolutely will not allow Bill Gates - or anyone else - to change my DNA by force until after I am dead. That is the kind of vaccine that Bill Gates is proposing: a DNA vaccine that will turn people into GMOs.

No one knows what will happen if human genes are artificially modified. It is terrifying.

War is hell. This is a global tyranny being imposed, and Bill Gates is one of the evil overlords in charge of it.

There will be millions dead.

Try to live, my friend.

Currently, the Korean government is supported by Bill Gates. So, the Korean government is ordered by Bill Gates.
Only God can saves us.

Do remember that the feet you stand on and the hands you type with are the ones that God uses to save you. God helps them that help themselves.

Honorable senior, the eyes, ears and mouth of Koreans are all blocked. The Korean government is keeping the truth under thorough control of the media and broadcasting.
The Korean government promotes Bill Gates as the savior of Korea.

Oh good. New spammy autobots. Or should I say decepticons.

The only reason I am targeted is to censor me.

Keep that in mind when you consider how much Hive is being spent to do it, and that I sell 0 Hive ever. No scams, spams, or financial scumbaggery issue from me.

This is nothing more or less than censorship.

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lol, we should create a special badge to reward @xxxxxxxxxx

Sounds like you think the whole world is out to get us. Sad for you bro