Have You Hugged the IRS Today?

in #news2 years ago

IMG source - tse1.mm.bing.net

I was just struck by the realization that there are going to very soon be tens of thousands more IRS agents, and I think we're all going to get to know them better. There might even be group hugs involved.

Then I remembered that recently the IRS skewed eyebrows by buying lots of ammunition.


"2019, Forbes reported that the IRS had hoards of ammunition and guns. By the end of 2017, the IRS already had around 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition. It was reported that the guns in IRS possession weren't for civilians. According to reports, many of the guns are machine guns."

"The Wall Street Journal reported in 2016 that the IRS had 2,316 special agents (the number has likely grown) and spent an estimated $5,000 on each agent for weapons and ammunition."


"None of the agencies being armed and trained are considered military, so they can be used to enforce whatever policies a future administration may deem fit..."

The Inflation Reduction Act that Kamala Harris recently was the tiebreaking vote on apparently is going to increase IRS personnel from a couple thousand IRS agents to ~90k of them.

That's a lot of hugs, and machine guns.

Now, 90k accountants with machine guns may not actually reduce inflation, but it may well reduce the perception that inflation is problematic. When I was a kid and told my dad that my thumb, or something, hurt, he stepped on my toes. When I squawked and complained he pointed out that I wasn't worried about my thumb anymore.

It seems that is the philosophy behind the Inflation Reduction Act. It won't reduce inflation, but we won't be complaining about inflation anymore.

Get ready to hug your ass off, because it really looks like we're in for a major hugfest.


My guess is they are looking for cannon fodder.
Or maybe someone to show up and lead the police to raid homes....


However, how this ends is with most of Americans just ceasing to pay taxes as they see where their money is going to pay for things they absolutely do not want.

"...how this ends is with most of Americans just ceasing to pay taxes..."

When we make something we ourselves consume, neither oligarchs take profits, nor taxable events occur. Decentralization naturally eliminates taxes on income and sales because it obviates both.


Edit: also, the taxes Americans pay doesn't even cover the interest on the national debt. The actual horrific crimes committed by the USG are all paid for with borrowed money.

Yep! But it is even worse than that!

All the money we pay to the Infernal Revolting Syndicate is thrown on the pyre to Moloch.
The ponzi scheme must have an input of blood, sweat and tears or it falls apart.

The umpteen thousands of new IRS agents are not to collect any more taxes, they are way past the point of diminishing returns, they are to add more pain and suffering to the loop.

What the actual fuck?! Less than an hour ago I saw this job posting detailing an open IRS position.

Don't need math skills or accounting or computer science degrees or anything, just need to be willing to murder people.

Clearly the reduction in the inflation of American wealth, like cat hides, can be achieved in a variety of ways.



"Has a chick ever been a mass shooter?"

Some of them dress like that. Must be the hormones in the water.


Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

As long as the general consensus is that it's ok for some folks to force compliance on other folks, this is what we get, varying degrees of enslavement to the most violent amongst us.

I have long agreed on that, and reckon you're more right now than ever.


Wont work.
Even though they have enough money, they dont.

Well, enough money - but that money is being rendered worthless.

Maybe the illusion works for a while, and especially to intimidate with big number illusions..

Still, they wont manage to hold up this bribery for long due to the bribing loosing its worth.
Actually they already try to focus more on only the really important bribery.

Some last exit scams, which wont save them, cuz they dont plan to use them to really exit, but to break a new World war from the fence to further deepen their powers..

Fortunately, as the massive flow of arms has bypassed the Ukrainian troops they were claimed to be for and been diverted to the black market, very soon Americans will be able to gain access to weapons their incomes have been taxed to produce at a fraction of those production costs. I think a NLAW is only ~$30k in the aftermarket.

That will make negotiations with IRS agents armed with sidearms much easier.


We love the IRS. Not. Last year we got $7500 from the govt for our kids, but then we found out when we filed taxes this year that we had to pay it all back since we live outside of the US. Yeah, it was super fun coming up with that kind of money immediately! Interesting that they bought tons of ammo a few years ago and are now saying they're going to be carrying guns. So glad we live far away from a lot of the US crazytimes.

Hope you are safer than the rest of us here in the stomping grounds.


That is one of the reasons we moved out of the US, but still...is anywhere safe these days really? Pretty much tracked everywhere, but we think it's a little harder here...literally no addresses. You tell people how to get to your location based on landmarks - nearest school, church, street, etc. It was interesting at first learning to get around, but now we are kind of used to it. Ha!

I hope Goolag has given up on mapping it. I have never taken to the use of taking directions from phones anyway. I like your way of letting folks know where to find you better than numbered streets.

It gets to be interesting when the internet company needs to come out and they ask you to confirm your address. Ha! I never remember what is the "official" one that I should tell them. Sometimes there is a "barrio" listed and sometimes it's just the street or even just the town in general. It makes things kind of interesting.

Some years ago I was camping for half a year, striving to get hired on with a particular company out of the area, and had to file taxes, get new id, and etc, while my only physical address was the creek drainage I preferentially camped at. The IRS and DMV did NOT like that, but because the tax return was 'official' and the tax people just wanted their money they accepted the address, the DMV begrudgingly did too.

Was actually funny when the DMV mentioned they would accept the IRS tax return as verification of the address, and I happened to have it on me.

Boy, that sure is funny! Surprising that they would accept that as your address, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! Ha! Enjoy the weekend!

Now, 90k accountants with machine guns may not actually reduce inflation, but it may well reduce the perception that inflation is problematic. When I was a kid and told my dad that my thumb, or something, hurt, he stepped on my toes. When I squawked and complained he pointed out that I wasn't worried about my thumb anymore.

A foreigner like me doesn't understand your American man's satire.😅
However, I guess from my point of view you ridicule the actions of the US government.

It seems that is the philosophy behind the Inflation Reduction Act. It won't reduce inflation, but we won't be complaining about inflation anymore.

Don't American civiliens like you complain about the country when the police carry guns?😯

Get ready to hug your ass off, because it really looks like we're in for a major hugfest.

Do you mean that American civiliens like you should flatter their national government?

In American prisons the phrase 'group hug' is used to refer to gang rape. This post uses difficult idiom for you, more difficult than my usual archaic language and horribly run on sentences.


It's been well over a decade now that I read that the US has lost 2/3rds of it's small business tax revenue. It's not the average citizen at fault as much as our own government. If you are not a citizen and come here to work with a green card if you work less than six months you are not taxed. That's how one of the guys who I use to cut his hair in my shop explained it to me. He worked half a block from my shop at the local liquor store. He has a wife and kids in India but he comes here to work for family for less than six months than he goes back home and another relative comes to work for less than six months. Until they close the loop hole they won't gain much in small business revenue.

Same with people who come here illegally. I couldn't find one single roofer last year to put a roof on my house after I asked if they used illegal immigrant labor. To get a roof I finally had to stop asking. Sure as can be they all were Mexicans supervised by white guys in fifty thousand dollar white trucks who'd show up once or twice a week. They were hard workers, high up as my roof was they ran around on it like it was nothing. Thing is though he wouldn't give me a sign off paper which I am entitled to by law that says anyone who touched my roof name on it and social security number with a declaration they had all been paid. The law requires them to do it for homeowners in case the person doesn't pay them they can't come back on you for it. So what are these companies going to do bicker with the IRS that whom ever they hired said they were legal self contractors or is the person who hired them supposed to obtain proof.

Just like the landlord next to me he had this one guy, a white guy, for at least five years coming there to mow the lawn. Compared to the Mexicans who showed up this year he actually did a lousy job. It started out with a Mexican guy and his what appeared to be about a twelve year old son, some clippers, hedgers and a lawn mower. They clipped all the bushes back where the other guy didn't care if the entire sidewalk was covered in the bush. With a four, five weeks that Mexican crew grew to all adults in an unbranded truck trailer with a ride on mower. I actually took pictures because I was going to do a blog on it. Now how is the landlord going to explain that tax exemption, is it his job to make sure those who advertise their lawn services are licensed to do business in the state.

The whole thing is the government creates these problems, loopholes, or opportunities than cry when they lose tax revenue.

I just roofed a house for a neighbor, and despite inflation it cost them less this time than it did 15 years ago. It usually costs less to pay me by the hour than a set fee, because I like to work hard, but have to guesstimate high when people insist on paying a set fee instead of an hourly rate. I just installed a floor today and made twice my usual rate for that exact reason. Most people don't expect that, but never are disappointed to get the job done faster than they expected.

I have long been impressed with the work ethic and family focus of Mexicans, who, in my experience, come here to work hard to send money home to their family. When I had rentals, almost the only tenants I can recall that didn't sneak out in the middle of the night and owing back rent were Latin Americans. They always paid on time and in full.

I can't say any of those good things about government - except for Brian at the Tillamook DMV, who actually has a good work ethic, and clearly enjoys providing excellent service.
