
I can never make it through this guys videos, he gets posted a lot lately. He's about as exciting as watching a boil on someone's ass to be honest. He has no depth in his speaking ability always leaving every sentence on the down low. Not to mention he lacks any type of appeal at all. He's just plain bland.

Tastes differ. I think what he said here is prescient and prophetic. I watched in company that found it very compelling.


Well every other page you turn you can read the same thing without all the humdrum attached.


One really doesn't need to listen to him to believe this isn't over, if it was over they wouldn't have been able to develop a B4, B5 vaccine for omicron with no clinical research involved first.

Νοthing is over, if you see in countries of the southern hemisphere, the absurdity with vaccination or vaccination certificates unfortunately continues

It's ongoing in Eurasia and N. America too.


These prosecutions. The new Nuremberg trials, will take place.

I just do not know how soon.
Will we have to see so many more VAXXX deaths that we do not have enough crematoriums to deal with it?

I do know that it is inevitable.
I do know that people seeing their brain slipping away will take revenge.

People who work for the CDC, AMA, or any drug company, i suggest you change your name and occupation and leave the state, maybe even the country.

But, from our point of view (me and you), we sit and wonder, why haven't people seen this? Why is there still a clot shot in existence? It has already been proven way too deadly that it would have been pulled from the market in any previous decade. Why does the horror continue? It is going to be hard enough dealing with all the VAXXXidents and VAXXX side effects already.

It takes extraordinary evidence to make extraordinary claims, and many people find the claim that government is corrupt extraordinary. I find claims government isn't corrupt extraordinary, myself. But extraordinary evidence is coming, very soon, that will cause many people to realize that the current crisis has been prepared for decades by the AGW alarmists blowing hot air up their skirts.


When people get really hungry, the scales fall off their eyes. There are none so zealous as proselytes, and we who have been seeing this all along will not be the most bloodthirsty clamoring for new Nuremberg trials, but those that were the most dismissive for the last couple years that finally face the facts when they get a week hungry, when their walls are covered with mold and mildew because they're unheated, and that have to walk instead of ride public transportation to the riots.

Then there will be no place for Fauci, Gates, and Schwab, for Ardern, Morrison, and Baerbock to hide.


Love the way this guy presents his thoughts

"War doesn't determine who is right. It determines who is left."

So do I.


A lot of folks are pointing to Fauci's resignation, to the admission by health authorities that mistakes were made, by new recommendations that at least acknowledge that covid is not a disease of the unvaccinated, and the unjabbed should suffer no restrictions the jabbed do not, as signs the plandemic is over, that the WEF has given up on taking over the world.

They are again vaccinating people against Covid-19.Dear @valued-customer, The government of the world I live in will never put that news out in the press and on the air.

"The government of the world I live in will never put that news out in the press and on the air."

The news revealed that the government failed to save the lives of children drowning on a ferry, that a bizarre cult ruled the country through a corrupted and brainwashed President, and more. This will also be revealed, when the public learns of it through other means, as through my posts here, and enough people are telling each other despite propagandists trying to conceal it.

The truth is a lion. It does not need to be defended. It will destroy lies sent against it, every time.
