In almost all cases the points you are making are completely valid, but even so, those particular capabilities are examples of those powers being delivered to individuals through technology, despite the desire and active intentions of institutions to maintain their power..
I do not claim that the transformation we are undergoing has not developed through institutional power and control of society and technology, but that technology is transferring that power to individuals, and always has.
Thus, the pic.
My point is not that extant technology is the result of the freedom technology will bring, but that freedom will ensue despite the best efforts of institutions to prevent it, and that technology will continue to burgeon thereafter.
there will always be institutions and institutions will be run by people and people will either respond by either a fight or flight response when faced with a threat, in an institution this takes the form of the choice to either cover it up or face the music when some individual or group associated with the institution fucks something up, perhaps someday technology will make it impossible to cover things up but we are a long way from there.
Do see my reply to @soo.chong163 regarding this topic on this very post. IIRC, when confronted with a drunken knife-wielding belligerent, my response was neither fight nor flight. I remember saying "So, you're gonna stick me because YOU have a big mouth."
I suspect you infer the same responses in others you see in yourself. I reckon that's inaccurate at best. I also know that society is using it's new technological abilities - to surveil, for example - profitably.
This is not gonna happen. It's already mostly happened, and we're still figgerin' out how it changed everything.
in that case you choose "fight", I suppose "go limp" or "play dead" is an option for possums but those are not typical human responses. Standing your ground and responding is a "fight" response even if you didn't start swinging.
You have really never heard of the flight or flight response?
Says the guy who believes there is a worldwide conspiracy to lie about the effectiveness of vaccines.
Sigh. Is it impossible for you to not twist my words? Safe is not a synonym for effective. Profitable is not a synonym for scientifically superable.
Mocking my assailant is neither synonymous for fighting them.
Lies expose the truth they attempt to conceal when they are themselves exposed. I appreciate the opportunities you offer me to make that exposure facile. Please continue!
my bad, there is a worldwide conspiracy to lie about the safety of vaccines, is that better? To be fair you have often claimed that vaccines are not effective either.