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RE: In U.S., Sometimes CIA Eat You

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I urge you to consider the meaning of the phrase 'controlled opposition' in this context.

While I strongly oppose sexual abuse, for example, the #metoo movement posed as opposition to sexual abuse, while utterly derailing the actual opposition that was organically rousing.

I believe the exact same principle is at work regarding Trump. His cabinet is the deep state. His rhetoric is precisely engineered to resonate with we the people, while the deep state program of war in the ME continues unabated. Just ask Yemeni children.

While Trump is not HRC, and the desperate straits the deep state are in due to the technological revolution perforce necessitate they give lip service to our stirring against the ubiquitous gangland corruption all states are, the actual exertion of purging government of those corrupt actors is NOT occurring. More importantly, it is not the actors that are the cause of corruption. They are but symptoms of a system designed to attract corrupt actors into positions where profitable corruption can be undertaken.

The system of surveillance, oppression, and bankster collusion is not even being contemplated. The system itself is the problem, and there is not even rhetoric being expended towards the end of freedom from it. Were Trump intent on it, it surely would be.

Why did Trump ask 'why is Podesta not in jail yet?'

Either he does not have the power to effect government, or he was merely arousing our agreement in principle and posing as incapable of effecting government. Either way, Trump is not our saviour, and our salvation depends on our own action to disempower the state.

The fact is that our liberty depends not on figureheads of state, but ourselves. You and I strongly agree regarding liberty. I hope we can agree on tactics as well. If we don't manage to, at least we can agree on principle: we are actually free sovereign persons, are the sole source of rights that exist, and this lays at our feet the obligation to effect them.



I think the full-throated opposition to Trump is real and the powers-that-be are scared of what he and the rest of the populists across Europe represent. Trump is many things and a captured king in his own castle is one of them. So, he will cut deals here and there. But, this meeting with Putin was opposed because they know Putin knows everything about what they've done.

I have vacillated on Trump in the past. I'm not sold on the idea that he can win this fight, but I do believe he is doing his best to fight it. That sometimes can look like 'controlled opposition.' The real 'controlled opposition' sits at the top of the GOP.