I note that in modern history financial interests, banksters, today represented by the WEF, have always funded (lent money) to governments waging wars, because such wars are always existential threats to those waging them, and that causes them to discount expenses less than their lives, which the banksters translate into more profits for them. They always profit from both sides in such wars. No matter who wins the lenders that provided them the funds they used to win benefit from their victory.
Thus, geopolitical contests are largely irrelevant to banksters, because no matter which side conquers the other, the banksters always win. All wars are banksters' wars.
China has long been advanced as the boogeyman to the West, and the US as the boogyman to China and Russia. From the perspective of banksters, this is simply a marketing campaign for a business opportunity, since banksters win every war. The governments of the West are clearly in thrall to the WEF, most of the elected officials are literally minions of the WEF, trained to betray their populations in the Young Global Leaders program. The Chairman of the WEF, Schwab, has bragged about the penetration and infiltration of his traitorous agents into governments, and specifically mentioned Putin as one of them back in 2017.
Zelensky of the Ukraine is also a Young Global Leader, as is Xi Jinping, Biden, Trump, Castro, and the majority of heads of state. Therefore it is obvious that the war in the Ukraine is little more than a ploy of the WEF which is pitting Russia and the Ukraine against one another, both led by WEF minions, to reduce their populations to utter abject penury and helplessness, which leaves them without ability to provide their necessities and unable to refuse to submit to goods and services offered by WEF banksters regardless of the price: their sovereignty.
It is also obvious that the investors that own the corporations that provide essential goods and services across the entire world are profiting immensely from inflation created by central banks, owned by those same investors as own oil companies, shipping companies, and food producers. By pitting the East and West against each other in war, like fighting dogs in pits, the banksters increase the prices everyone pays for their products on both sides. Viewed from this perspective of the investors that own the corporations and countries of the world's governments, there is no geopolitical conflict at all. It's just two of their teams used to divide and conquer hapless subjects to a greater degree, subjecting their cattle to more profitable slavery.
This is why I advocate for everyone to adopt such decentralized means of production as are suitable for their personal circumstances, in order that they create themselves the goods and services they require to avail them of the blessings of civilization, and free them from dependence on centralized production facilities owned by banksters. Only being able to provide ourselves our needs enables us to retain our sovereignty, our freedom, and our prosperity. Independent means is the only meaningful definition of wealth, and the more money we possess, the more dependent we are on the creators of that money, the banksters. Financial wealth is not independence. It is chains that bind us to centralized overlords who create that money.
Money is not wealth at all. It is the very opposite.
The ability to create goods and services is wealth, and today the means of production are being utterly decentralized, such that individual households and small communities are able to produce their needs themselves, from food to electricity, from building materials to modern electronics. Solar panels and all manner of circuitry can be printed today using ordinary inkjet printers on easily made PET sheets, recycled from water bottles. Essential foodstuffs can be grown in backyard gardens, on sunny windowsills, and even in dark caves and garages under LED lights, using aquaponics technology that produces fish and seafood as well as garden vegetables. Actual real wealth and freedom has never been more possible than it is today, to all of us that make the effort to have it and eschew the parasitic financialization the WEF uses as bait to catch slaves.
Wherever one is today on Earth, whatever kind of government is imposed on the people of the place where we live, the rulers of that government are imposed by the WEF, and the WEF is imposing a global technocratic tyranny more totalitarian and oppressive than has ever been seen in history, because the technology of oppression has improved their ability to subjugate and enslave people. Whoever claims to rule you is your enemy, the agent of the WEF, and who you need to oppose to be free, prosperous, and happy. We need to follow no one, to elect no one, to submit to no overlord, to lead ourselves, to rule ourselves, and to create ourselves that prosperity and felicity we deliver a legacy to our sons and daughters after us that they might live happily.
That is the real war ongoing, between overlords, centralization, and utter slavery, and free people, decentralization, and prosperous liberty that enables people to themselves create their happiness.
I recommend the latter, and point out always that decentralization means doing yourself what needs doing, and that dependence on overlords for anything is snapping chains around your hands and feet. Grow food, produce power, create products, and that ability you wield when mirrored across your community at every scale, will create a paradise of prosperity.