"...America still allows it citizens guns."
After America defeated the most powerful army in the world with privately owned firearms to gain it's independence, the elephant in the room was those private arms, and how they were the only reason the new States weren't just as abject as other crown colonies.
This remains true today.
The Constitution is a restriction on the powers of government, which is allowed it's authority by the sovereign people - not the government allowing people to be free. Government is an agreement, and has no rights. People are the source of authority to wield force, and it is fallacious to argue that government has the authority to prevent people from exercising their rights, even if powerful gangs that corrupt governments and wield anti-gun propaganda with delicate subtlety convince many peoples to give up their rights for the supposed safety of the protection of the gangs.
These aren't mere talking points, or opinions. The Queen doesn't grant you rights. You, theoretically, grant the Queen authority. If you succumb to the doublethink that you can grant the crown the authority to take away your rights, with which she is granted that authority, you are clearly not thinking reasonably.
The blinkers are fully on and encouraged to stay on. The UK government has never wanted American ideas to catch on, naturally enough, and most people think they are being somehow 'progressive' or 'humanist' by joining in the condemnation America's firearms laws. Total doublethink.