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RE: End Game

in #news4 years ago

You are absolutely correct, on all counts. The terrorist propaganda is coupled with censorship to disrupt and deny rational consideration of the ongoing global pogrom and totalitarian tyranny being imposed. The majority of humanity is IQ 100 or below, and sociocompetent people have affinity with their culture and society, so this psyop is devastatingly effective as most people want to participate and gain the rewards of social compliance.

The hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan has set off alarm bells for me, since it indicates that the Biden administration and it's policy have immediate need for the military capacity formerly occupied in Afghanistan. Given the ongoing military occupation of Australia, a similar imposition of martial law in the USA could well be in progress. Such things take extensive planning, and aren't undertaken on a whim.

Mike Yeadon, formerly of Pfizer IIRC, has pointed out that the confluence of conspiracies shows that something is being sought that has nothing to do with public health, although I am unaware he specifies what that is, or even could admit to himself the dire and sinister goals the resort to terrorism and crimes against humanity, which coercing submission to genetic therapy is, reveal.

This is a pogrom. Bill Gates, the governments of the world, the media, Big Pharma, and the WEF, and others, are working together to criminally force genetic alteration on humanity. No pogrom in history has had so evil and terrifying a goal.

I have heard of the four sudden deaths of the leaders of four nations that refused to force vaccinations on their people. I submit this only strengthens my assessment of transnational cooperation to commit crimes against humanity ongoing today. Never has humanity faced a more ominous and horrific future. No hesitation is evident in the assassination of national leaders, nor innocent children.

War is coming. It's already being fought by the tyrants. Open insurrection is inevitable, because this conspiracy has already been willing and able to murder at least hundreds of thousands of people and spend ~$9B in economic losses and ~$14T in QE, UBI, and other costs in the last 18 months. They're never going to stop until they achieve their unimaginably evil goals, and at some point the survivors are going to do everything necessary to try to remain alive and human, including acts of war.

I commend the good and intelligent people of the world to their best judgment to prepare for the clear and present danger of genocidal global tyranny continuing to seek their lives, treasure, freedom, and very humanity.
