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RE: Corrupting Science to Eliminate Facts

in #news5 years ago

Not even your pain can take away your human will. It is truly yours and yours alone.

You'd probably love the bugout camp I setup when the spread of the virus was looking really bad in March. The bare basics: a dry spot to sleep utterly concealed near clean water. I planted potatoes and onions within walking distance around the place, so they would become naturalized. The logging industry leaves plenty of sunny roadsides where a little patch of this or that can thrive, if the acidic forest soils are tolerated.

If worst came to it, I could expand it and make it livable, but I'm old and in pain, and digging into the stony soil to expand it as necessary is daunting. But if I did, it'd be a good place to stay out of everyone's way.


There is also AWESOME outdoor equipment!
Modern technology in jackets, and especially sleeping sacks.. german military sleeping bags with a little biwaktent can keep you warm and dry even 1m under snow or in pure rain.. :) and noone sees you cuz the bushes are higher than you lying on the ground :)
they cost a bit but they're worth it. the quality and your good handling will keep em for ur life :)

I don't think I will find a spot of silence in germany..