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RE: Gun Control in The Real World

in #news6 years ago

What do you expect from the illegal possession of Zionazis promulgating propaganda and oppression? You advocate for those exact things by propounding agreement with that thesis that games impel violence.

Desperation impels violence, and political disenfranchisement creates desperation. Those are real, measurable factors that can provably be related to social aggression, and why I pointed to GINI, a measure of that political disenfranchisement.


How frequently do you replace the bone that is stuck through your nose? Once a week or so? Do you drop it in the same coffee cup with your dentures, to soak overnight?

Not an argument, but revealing of your complete lack of them. How does it feel to be wedded to a position you know is fallacious, and run out of things to say you can pretend, even if only in your own mind, support it?

Frankly, when I find out I'm wrong, I change my mind. I've never understood why people stick to their guns even when they find out they're empty.

When the kids in a freind of mines neighborhood shot up all the cars with bb guns they blamed it on the video games they were playing. But youre so disconnected from the real world and only have supposed "studies" that prove otherwise. There were no mass shootings and school shootings before violent video games seeded their minds. When parents use video games as a babysitter, this is the result, firearm violence. When you have relatives calling you, asking you to break the door down to a relatives house, because they have locked themselves into a room for 4 days to play video games and lost thier job- this is a serious cry that that person is trying to escape reality, and do so by pretend killing. I remember when doctors used to endorse ciggarettes for their health benefits. Now you have been indoctrinated to not believe what is happening right in front of your face, totallly denying it. A sad social puppet who choses to live a lie because the truth is too painful.