Once, as a member of a Grand Jury investigating Multnomah County Jails, I was told by an inmate that he was being sexually abused by the guard in the room, whom he pointed at in that very facility. The guard said "I'm gonna get you for that."
Despite my efforts, I was unable to issue any subpeonas or in any way seek further investigation of that or similar accusations by inmates of abuse and criminal mistreatment. Further, my children were threatened with violence and I was told to stop seeking to hold Multnomah County accountable by an employee of Multnomah County's prosecution office.
The Injustice Center is a crime factory worse than any crackhouse in The Numbers. I am aware of murders that have taken place there with complete impunity, in full view of the ubiquitous cameras in the facility. I personally was beaten by a Portland Police Officer while chained in a holding cell in the Multnomah County Justice Center. Do not overestimate your safety my friend.