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RE: End Game

in #news4 years ago

Here today but few are wearing masks, but the Governor has extended her emergency powers through the end of the year, and has ordered the masking of schoolchildren when it starts back up next month.

That's all it takes to turn the world upside down now: a simple order. This is why I have taken pains to communicate that forcing people to undergo harmful medical treatment, or experimentation, without their fully informed, uncoerced free will voluntary consent is a crime against humanity.

Because that order is going out soon.

I agree the world has become unbelievably surreal. Daily on the threads I haunt I hear people wistfully say how they wish they could go back in time, to before this all began. I feel myself the weirdness, I have to wonder if I'm actually seeing and not hallucinating sometimes.

But it's real, and they didn't force their way this far to just give up if we decline their generous offer of salvation in a vial of experimental genetic therapy. This is the real deal, and it's not at all coincidental, but stems from decades of preparation and groundwork by a cabal of conspirators who own the majority of assets in the world, and their hordes of useful idiots.

All across the USA, planning councils and county permitting agencies have been infiltrated and re-legislated, with regional planning conforming to UN agendae specifications. That sounds like schizophrenia, but I work in construction and remodeling, and I have watched it happen, only connecting it to a national effort when I chanced to see a gal named Rose who had dug into UN Agenda 2030 and detailed the exact changes to regional planning I had been watching happen.

I don't care really how I make sense of it. I don't think I can suss out the extensive and detailed plans of pathological overlords. What I can do is my best to be nimble during economic crises, fed during famines, and mobile during lockdowns. I can not simply wait and see, but be as ready as I can for anything nefarious and murderous warlords undertake.

It is sure as the sun rising in the East that such things happen. I know well that people become accustomed to normal, the daily non-cataclysm events, and that this is fatal when a day of cataclysmic events comes.

It is the paranoid that survive when people unexpectedly are suddenly after them, out of the blue. All the reasonable and calm people are shocked as they are collected, lined up against the wall, and shot. Tens and hundreds of millions of people died in shocked disbelief in the last century alone.

I'd like to be harder to kill.

Be hard to kill.


So my questions:

How can something this large be kept a secret with so many people involved across the entire globe? Impossible to silence the millions working in healthcare, for instance. I realize some speak against it but how it is possible to prevent a spouse coming home from work and spilling the beans (millions of them)?

Why is the 'smoking gun' style information coming from amateurs/independent content creators on the internet who often destroy their credibility by using tactics designed for views and profit, like sensationalism, and are typically known to spin the MSM stories regardless of subject matter? For instance, where in the 'official' "Agenda 30" does it say world population is to drop to 500M? That thought process stems from a piece of 'art' in Georgia. Where's the link?
