Biometric ID is very problematic. Many folks have suffered fraud with ordinary ID, having their credit or bank card information hacked or leaked, and have had to get new cards, new accounts, new pins, and do their best to get their funds returned to them. All of this can be difficult, expensive, and time consuming.
But think what will happen if a hacker gets your biometric data, such as the hash that represents your retinal patterns or fingerprints. You can't get a new retinal pattern or fingerprint. Once that data has been hacked, you personally are fucked for life.
Also remember that when large corporations or government use biometric ID, the data is only as secure as the database they keep it in. It doesn't even matter if you have absolutely perfect security, because we all know just how vulnerable governments and corporations are to hackers. Think of all the big leaks that have revealed hundreds of millions of supposedly secure records, and things like Hillary's emails, or the CIA 'Vault 7' of Wikileaks fame, that have been hacked or leaked.
I recommend strongly against using biometric ID.