"... it's already effective against another virus."
Do you mean Malaria? Malaria isn't a virus, it's caused by a single celled parasite Plasmodium falciparum (and a bunch of other species I was unaware of. I thought there was only P. falciparum. Thanks for making me learn =)). I was pretty amazed when Chloroquine was cited as being useful against a virus when it was a drug for a single celled organism originally, and the two kinds of things are so different.
Gonna go buy cases of Tonic water (two liters of Tonic are roughly equivalent to the daily dose of Quinine in pill form, I read), just in case. Good thing I'm not a gin drinker, or I'd be in danger of becoming a Gin and Tonic-aholic.
I also did some more reading myself. Quinine seems to be quite the dirty drug with lots of side-effects. It generally shouldn't be used in children under 8 years old and pregnant women either. I will avoid taking any unless I have symptoms. https://www.drugs.com/monograph/quinine-sulfate.html
Yes, I don't think I'll be drinking two liters of tonic water daily unless I'm sure I have SARS2.
Thanks for correcting me. I did know that but for some reason it slipped my mind.