While the Korean public may not more respect their President if a shaman or witch controls their policies than if the President allows Bill Gates to hold sway, I personally would find it preferable, because the witch would be less competent at screwing up society all to hell.
Bill Gates is going to do a bang up job of it.
I hope you folks in Korea find the reason and cause to stand up and tell Bill Gates and your government you are free human people, not units of economic power under their control, and you will not comply with their algorithms. Then, actually don't put up with it, and do business as you prefer with one another.
I hope even more Americans do this, because that's where my livelihood is in danger, and my homeland and people are under threat. If we can do that here, or in Korea, then an example for the peoples of the world will exist that they can emulate and whose banner they can follow.
It may be a few years before these troubles are over, but my faith in humanity as a sacred purpose of the creator of the universe is unshaken. I know people will suffer in these difficult times, but I remain certain free humanity will prevail over the sinister institutional technocrats that see them as nothing but commodities and business opportunities. People were made sacred, and still are.
The day comes when we will all know it, and act appropriately.
Remember what Bill Gates said around 2015 in a TED Talk video.