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RE: Interesting Facts That Affect our Present Circumstances

in #news5 years ago (edited)

I rule myself by virtue of my absolute authority availed me by my personal possession of myself. Who is 'my better' at that?

Who has authority to end my existence? Thugs armed with state supplied weapons and badges? I have faced them already, and continue to defy their vapid, baseless claims over me.

As I have just established unequivocally, I alone am me, and I alone have authority to undertake being me. There is no authority over me.

You mention competitors for parasitic power over free men. The fact is their claims of strength to rule me are without merit. I demonstrably possess the sole authority and capability to will me to action.

It is they who are weak, and I who strongly, immovably possess all ability to rule me.

They can fuck right off.

Your sophistries are naught but exuses for incompetence. When you speak factually regarding sovereignty, the genius of individuals that innovate and invent new means of advancing the blessings of civilization, and which inevitably reduce the parasitic ability of vampires to drain free men of their wealth, substance, and their very life's blood, then you will acknowledge the truth: all men are born, live, and die free, alone the masters of themselves, no matter the vain and violent abuses employed to convince them to serve noxious and malevolent vermin.

In the fullness of time, no verbal gymnastics will be able to obscure this reality, and it can only be free men that leave Earth, to export life in all it's glorious diversity to wherever they shall go.

No thugs can follow them. No compulsion can be brought to bear on them.