I note that evil has enabled psychopaths to control institutions, and this has caused them to be dependent on parasitism. Cattle are dependent as well, on the dole provided by those overlords. I do not depend on them. I build and fix things for my neighbors, and they in turn supply what I require that I do not supply myself. This is how society functions, and folks that serve society in this role providing practical means will better enable their survival when overlords fulfill their threat to reduce global population.
All they have to do is to stop supplying the dole to do so, and all those dependent on the dole will perish. I worship nothing and no one, for no god worthy of my worship is in the least interested in worship, but rather my good works for my fellows, and no man deserves it. Gods demanding worship receive instead my scorn, as do people the same.
My peers deserve my respect, and my betters my admiration. Any that demand worship deserve derision, and if they're lucky learn why and change their ways to become worthy of respect.