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RE: Google Nest Revealed to Contain Secret Microphone

in #news6 years ago

DLTs aren't necessarily tokenized. Steem is an example of a DLT, but a DLT to collect, store, and provide access to surveillance data wouldn't necessarily require a token, nor premining even if it did.

Neither do I think even the elimination of corrupt public officials and thugs would rid the world of ills.

The underlying reality of technology is that it changes things, and it is unpredictable how those changes iterate beyond the short term, or how they impact other things that are changing. We can have some idea, but no certainty. Technology ultimately increases the power of individuals relative to groups. This includes improving known means of production, from food, clothes, hardware, tools, and every other good you can name. Various technologies are now making it possible for you personally to make those things I just listed yourself, grow your food yourself, and build your home and car yourself, even if you're not a farmer, seamstress, machinist, carpenter, or mechanic. Automation and improved process technology (or business systems) is reducing middlemen, and I believe that this will be complete sooner or later.

When we can make all the stuff we need ourselves, why will we need pennies?

All these technologies are happening at the same time, not one after the other. The disparate increases in our power are going to concatenate, and at some point the effects on markets, money, politics, and war become so strong that I believe all those things will become obsolete.

Not today, not tomorrow, not next year, but sooner or later. In the mean time, as we adopt and employ these technologies our prosperity, freedom, and felicity will increase as a result.

That's good enough for me.


Will all this come with a do it yourself kit the government will give everyone so that all are self sustaining?


I'll hold my breath until then.

We are the product of billions of years of parsing by evolutionary forces. Government is an evolutionary force. So is technology. Each of us determines how those forces act upon us by acting.