I think this year in Europe it's just everywhere very hot, even in Luxembourg it's way too hot now, I just want to stay in the water all day hha, good post my friend and stay "cool" and be safe from the sun ☀️ GREETINGS TO YOU 😊😊
I am using ventusky.com The most detailed and high-tech website about the weather I have seen so far. If you have a time just take a look at it, it is a pleasure even watching on it, it is in online mode.@czechglobalhosts, yeap I was wandering how come in Scandinavia was warmer in June-July, than in Bulgaria or Greece.
In Bulgaria is one of the coldest summer season for the last decades!
Really? I guess you are an exception then..... strange things are happening to say at least....
I am using ventusky.com The most detailed and high-tech website about the weather I have seen so far. If you have a time just take a look at it, it is a pleasure even watching on it, it is in online mode.@czechglobalhosts, yeap I was wandering how come in Scandinavia was warmer in June-July, than in Bulgaria or Greece.
@viktoriyani its monsoon season in my country havent seen sun from two weeks , its raining continuously
I know, you must be in a heaven:).....