Ok, So if I choose to live out in the boonies, you agree that it's my responsibility to get my own water. But should I force voyceatlas to pay for it? It was my decision to live out there, not yours.
Therefore, water can't be a Human Right. I can't scream from my mountaintop home for someone to provide it for me.
It can't be free. Someone has to pay. And I don't think stealing from everyone else in order to provide it to me is fair. It cannot be a Human Right.
Ok, So if I choose to live out in the boonies, you agree that it's my responsibility to get my own water. But should I force voyceatlas to pay for it? It was my decision to live out there, not yours.
Therefore, water can't be a Human Right. I can't scream from my mountaintop home for someone to provide it for me.
It can't be free. Someone has to pay. And I don't think stealing from everyone else in order to provide it to me is fair. It cannot be a Human Right.
Did you read what I said? I'm not trying to be an asshole on steemit... I'm changing my lifestyle... But brah...
Not being an asshole either. You said 'I just think it should be free'. I'm trying to figure Who will pay for it
So animals pay for water?
when everybody owns something, nobody owns it