ISIS Klaim Ledakan di Tiga Gereja Surabaya (Billingual)

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Setelah mengklaim dalang di balik kerusuhan di Mako Brimob, kelompok militan Islamic State (ISIS) kembali mengaku bertanggung jawab atas ledakan bom di tiga gereja di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Minggu 13 Mei 2018.

After claiming behind the riots in Mako Brimob, Islamic State Islamic militant group (ISIS) again claimed responsibility for the bomb blast at three churches in Surabaya, East Java (Indonesia), Sunday, May 13, 2018.

Serangan bom terjadi di Gereja Kristen Indonesia di Jalan Diponegoro, Gereja Santa Maria Tak Bercela di Jalan Ngagel Madya, dan Gereja Pentakosta Pusat Surabaya (GPPS) di Jalan Arjuna.

Bomb attacks took place in the Indonesian Christian Church on Jalan Diponegoro, the Church of the Immaculate Mary at Jalan Ngagel Madya, and the Pentecost Church of Surabaya (GPPS) on Jalan Arjuna.

Sejauh ini, korban tewas dari serangan di tiga gereja mencapai 11 orang, dengan 41 lainnya mengalami luka-luka.

So far, the death toll from attacks in three churches reached 11 people, with 41 others injured.

Menurut keterangan dari grup pemantau aktivitas terorisme, SITE, ISIS mengklaim aksi teror di Surabaya via situs propaganda berbahasa Arab, Amaq.
Klaim ISIS atas kerusuhan di Mako Brimob juga disampaikan via Amaq.

According to a terrorism monitoring group, SITE, ISIS claims terrorist action in Surabaya via Arabic propaganda website Amaq.
ISIS claim to riot at Mako Brimob was also conveyed via Amaq.

ISIS dinilai berusaha membuktikan diri bahwa kelompok tersebut masih aktif, usai terdesak di Irak dan juga Suriah.

ISIS is considered trying to prove itself that the group is still active, after being pressed in Iraq and also Syria.

Sejumlah pengamat menilai ISIS berusaha mengembangkan sayapnya ke luar wilayah Timur Tengah, salah satunya di Asia Tenggara.
Aktivitas ISIS yang paling signifikan dalam beberapa bulan terakhir di Asia Tenggara adalah saat grup tersebut menguasai kota Marawi di Filipina.

Some analysts say ISIS is trying to expand its wings out of the Middle East, one of which is in Southeast Asia.
The most significant ISIS activity in recent months in Southeast Asia was when the group took control of Marawi city in the Philippines.


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