Ads posted outside Google offices slam CEO for firing controversial memo's author

in #news8 years ago

SAN FRANCISCO — Anti-Google ads have appeared near Google's offices in Venice, Calif.

The ads, which were first spotted by some on Twitter, call out Google's response to a memo that went viral last week after it lambasted the company's efforts to increase the number of women, African-Americans and Hispanics in technical roles.

In one of the ads, Google CEO Sundar Pichai is pictured side by side late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Next to Jobs is a picture of the Apple logo with the company's famous slogan "Think Different." Next to Pichai is the Google logo but instead the text reads "Not So Much."

Anybody catch this article over the weekend?

I meant to cover it sooner but all this Charlottesville crap happened on Saturday and I wanted to talk about that while it was fresh. I'm glad to see people starting to point out how dumb all this diversity in the work place training can be. White males don't need to be punished for choosing to work in jobs were women and minorities don't choose to work and they shouldn't have to lower standard so they can have a more diverse crowd.

I like the making fun of Google part here but I'm pretty sure Apple has the same diversity training crap going too and I'm guessing they similar stuff has happened to there to people that have broke with the workplace culture.

Loving the Goolag meme. I think I'll have to buy one of those t-shirts.


This is on point.

Lol!! Isnt that something eh, the two ceo's next to each other 😄
Its a tough article to read without getting opinionated myself so I can only imagine how others reacted to it... I thought it was something that needed to be shared though and needed lots of eyes to see it, very well covered points!!!