Lindsey Williams New DVD

in #news7 years ago

Get you paper and pencils ready because Lindsey Williams just released a new DVD called "My Elite Friend Just Told Me When" I if you don't know who Lindsey Williams is he is a pastor that befriended some elite up in Alaska back in the 1970s and he's been sharing information given to him about certain events that will happen in the future. His best prediction was in 2007 when he said the elite would take oil up to $140 dollars a barrel and crash it down to $40 in a few short months after that and just like Lindsey predicted oil prices collapsed during the 2008 financial crash.

Lately however his information hasn't be too accurate. Jsnip4 the youtuber use to do summaries on his new DVDs but I don't think he will be doing one on this one simply because the past few haven't been all that informational and I sure he's to busy with his crypto trading class business to do one anyways.

There's another guy on youtube that does a better summary than Jsnip4 so if he does one I will post that but I have a feeling Lindsey isn't going to be giving us any hard dates in this new DVD. In fact, I bet it's more to do with overall goals of the elite while Trump is in office rather than giving us a stock market crash date.

•How Long Before The Panic?

•Elite Update Agenda

•Stock Market Expectations

•Bitcoin – What My Elite Says

•Saudi Arabia And The Middle East

•An Insider Tells The TRUE Financial News

•More Panic Up!

•Another Health Miracle


Expecting more from lindsey. Thanks for sharing

thanks for share important news i liked it are you muslim sir i am muslim

Amazing post..carry on .