Alex Jones has been talking about Google and Youtube censoring him for years now and just recently I started seeing stories about Alex Jones in my Google news feed but all of them were 100% attack pieces on Alex and his company.
So I decided to do some investigating of my own. First I personalized my Google news feed by adding Infowars, Snoopes, Huffington Post and The Rebel (just to make sure it wasn't all alternative news sites).
I saved the setting and was quite shocked by what I found.

Here's my news feed for Infowars. Notice all stories are from the main stream media.
Oh look! Huffington post news feed show only stories from their own website.
Same thing with Snopes.
How about the The Rebel surely they are being censored too.
About half to stories are from The Rebel and the other half look like news articles where the topic is about a rebel. Nothing attacking them or criticizing them like in the Infowars news feed.
This is pretty clear damming evidence that they are censoring on their news feed.
Hope you enjoyed the article. Please share and re-steemit to get the word out. Try it for yourselves and post the results too. I'd love to see this go viral and force Google to stop censoring them.
Original Story by @wakeupnd
Google is censoring damn near everything, but one thing they are only pretending to censor is the zionist shill alex jones...
It was a matter of time till we found out.
YouTube Censorship: The Ugly Truth