'They're all around, you're all going to die!' Mystery of woman kicked out of Vegas country music festival after shouting terrifying threat just an hour before gunman opened fire

in #news7 years ago

A woman in the crowd screamed 'They're all around...You're all going to f***ing die today' just 45 minutes before a gunman opened fire at a Las Vegas music concert killing at least two people and injuring dozens more, DailyMail.com has learned.

The woman, described as Hispanic and in her 50s, made the terrifying outburst before her and a male companion were escorted out of the venue by security.

This is a very strange eyewitness account to what happened before the shooting started. Who is this lady, why did she happen to say this 45 minutes before the actual shooting?

Was it woman's intuition, could she sense all the death what was going to take place? I think woman's intuition is real but we're really just speculating here until we know more about this event. Or did she have prior knowledge this was about to take place, maybe she was part of this conspiracy to commit mass murder and had a change or heart?

I sure I hope we find out more about this mystery woman and who she actually was.

-Full video.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4940216/Woman-heard-shouting-threat-massacre-Vegas.html


mate it's another gun-grabbing Psychological Operation, an hoax:

Looks like another crazy leftist that may be another antifa or ISIS supporter.

"Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Just another lone wolf cracker."

Wow, what is going on?

Mass shooting in las vegas.

Saw it as soon as I woke up today, I meant with your post. This witness seems very credible. I was thinking false flag very early but maybe it's a hybrid variation where casualties are a planned part. When Syria supposedly dropped chemical weapons the media was all over showing little children dying and I saw no one even injured today? Why is that? I am not speculating in one way or another and I do respect human life if this is in fact real. However, the media coverage just doesn't make sense. There should have been blood visible everywhere.

Gotcha, I don't know much about this other than what was said on the video. Seems very strange.

@wakeupnd ... why does the FBI etc. almost always fail to stop mass murderers who are already on their own watch lists sometimes YEARS before they attack? Long list of examples just in last 8 years in link below:
