How Many Jobs Will The Digital Revolution Consume?

in #news7 years ago

There is something happening to our world that only a very few are talking about. It's what happens when automation, robotics and the blockchain take over? What will happen?

The first jobs that are going to be lost are entry level jobs. No more Target ladies.


Fast food workers will lose their jobs to automated kitchens and order kiosks. Drivers will lose their jobs. Food delivery, package delivery and Uber drivers will need to find new work when automated cars take over.

Next will be the big boys. Walmart is losing sales to Amazon and other online retailers, and between lackluster growth and automated checkout, a lot of Walmart jobs will be lost. 

Not to mention all the retail stores that will close due Internet sales. Malls will be a thing of the past in about 10 years. 

What does that leave? Labor jobs like building, repairing and landscaping, but not much else. Many of the entry level jobs will be gone. What does that really mean? Most of the entry level jobs will be online. The problem is, we are not teaching the skills needed in school for the future.

We'll need to teach more programing, more marketing expertise and more web management. The problem is, we don't teach any of those. We don't even teach our kids how to balance their financials and make basic home repairs. We're really not teaching them for the future at all.

The biggest problem is, when the entry level jobs are gone, then the economic gap will increase. No longer will people be able to work their way up. They can't even get in the door. That is a big problem. 

Being able to work your way up is the American Dream, but will that cease to exist?

You have some of the tech giants thinking about "basic income", but that will again only create a larger divide between the haves and the have nots. The rich will become so much richer, while the poor will become a lot poorer. 

At the very least, we are only 12 years away from this. Maybe 15, but that's it. It could come as fast as eight or 10. It's coming and there is little we can do about it. The best we can do is prepare our children and make sure we have the skills we need in order to fully capitalize in the future. 

What do you think? 

Do you think it is a good thing if all the entry level jobs go away?

I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.


Good read ! Entry level jobs problly look much different in few years

Firstly, I dont think that in just a decade, there would be so much change. Atleast three to five decades it will take to take over the traditional systems.
I totally agree that our education system is not in the way to teach skills, rather to pressurize the students with heavy books to cram. That's for sure is the need of the hour.
And third aspect, I think in today's world when a new born started using gadgets, technology itself will take care of this and when it would be foreseen that no futher salesman and like are required in industry, people tend to react automatically. I remember a lot of degrees which were considered great to have, are nowhere studied.

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Think about it like this. Some McDonalds and Burger kings already have self check outs. Big corporations will invest to make more money any way they can. Probably 5-10 years till they wide spread that. Then retails will use it if it's not already in the works. I wouldn't doubt that they are. Machines are cheaper then people that can help Walmart. Health insurance is huge plus pay compared to one time investment. That's my opinion based of owning a company and knowing many company owners myself.

Hi @walkingkeys nice article you are right that is the big question, who will have jobs after the big shift. In some way this is a good thing because we as humans need to make use of the technology we have available to us other wise there will never be "The future" as we all see it in the movies. I think that when the systems get set into place more other jobs that didn't exist will arise and the people can have the new jobs. Or maybe every thing starts using cryptocurrency and then we can just work from home mining the hell out of everything :)

Hey, @walkingkeys I hope you are fine.
you spotted the issue I never saw anyone spotting,
Here people calling it a revolution, but they are not thinking that can have negative effects on the society,
As you have mentioned robotics if replaces the human's, it would be most probably the blue color society including worker are not even educated, how they will service than?
do they have enough resources?
do they have enough knowledge about online earning ways, not they don't,
Education universities and schools Should take a step to teach every human being about the technology coming in 10 years from now.
There should be institutes to teach those members of the society who don't know about these things.

leaving your link on the other's is not a good idea to promote yourself.
I'll go through it sure.

Okay, thanks...will keep that in mind.

your welcome :)

10-15 years is still terrifying. I'm planning on owning homes by the and renting it out because how else can I make money. I'm terrified for the day I have kids because they won't be old enough to work for quite some time from now and by then it will be even worse. But that 1% from the 99% gap will be insane. Something I don't want to think about for another 5 years. As for entry level jobs ehhhh very hard call. I know some people who it will motivate and others it will devastate.

Surely there will be a new plethora of meaningless tasks to occupy our time disguised as an occupation.

I think, that just like in the past, that the future will take care of itself. Cars did away with a lot of horse transportation industry. Trains did away with a lot of Wagon industry. Automated farms increased food production and did away with farm worker jobs. Transcontinental Aircraft did away with a lot of transport ships for people. The steam engine did away with the tall ship builders. Things and jobs will die and grow. Until the day that Stargate Style Replicators are created I think we will do as we have in the past, we will grow and adapt to the changing environment. One only needs to look at the changing educational environment of Nigeria (as one example) and how it is adapting to the time there.

some job already take less employee, the example for frontliner position in some Bank in my country. Online service or Artificial Inteligence Technology have done their job mostly nowadays.

I think we need to move into a post-job economy. We will soon be nearly fully automated, we cannot people to work for a living if we don't have enough jobs for everyone!