@pressfortruth - excellent commentary on two important topics: survival of the family & censorship. Statists and those favoring government intervention over the family- have largely attempted to take over the power of parents over their children's lives. No this is not "1984" it is "2018" & we live in a society where government is king. They can tell you what health insurance you must buy from a private corporation (until the tax bill was passed removing the individual mandate from Obamacare), how fast you can drive you car & many other things to control your life.
Statists believe in the power of the state over every aspect of your life. The money you earn from your job- NOT YOURS! It belongs to the government. You automatically get money stolen from you every paycheck & then by April 15 you have to fill out your taxes to prove you have a right to your own money!!
It's sad that you have been subjected to near-bans from YouLose and maybe other sites. Sadly YouLose, Fakebook & other left-wing sites are now targeting "right of center" groups and individuals: Outright banging them & censoring or blocking their posts from showing up. In fact the President's own posts have suffered double digit declines in showing
up in people's news-feeds, due to Fascistbook's changes to their algorithms. "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength" George Orwell. Yes from the book 1984. 1984, was not supposed to be a "how to" book!! But this is happening now and not through the government- But through left-leaning organizations who are mad, just because someone got elected President and are determined to do something about it! Join the resistance!! (sarcasm) Seriously folks, we are living in troubled times. Although, I still have hope for the future. One reason for optimism is platforms like Steemit, where people can share their views, unfiltered. Even if I don't agree with their views- people still have a right to voice those views.
Anyways- keep up the great work in your posts & informative videos. Upvoted!