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[Your Special Mission News Crew]
According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, 2018 is the Year of the Dog—the year where dogs take the spotlight once every 12 years. Despite dogs being in favor this year, we received a startling piece of information about an island that forbids residents from keeping dogs. To find out if there really was such a “dog-less island”, we visited Kakara Island, which is part of a small town called Chinzeicho in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture in Japan.
Yasaka Shrine, Kakara Island
Strong winter winds were blowing hard in mid-December of last year when we hopped on the ferry from Yobuko Port in Karatsu to Kakara Island. We immediately interviewed a fellow passenger on the vessel, a 64-year-old woman. “I was born and raised on the island and I’ve never seen any dogs there,” she declared. The co-captain of the ship also assured us that he was “120% certain” that we would not find dogs on the island. Perhaps this legend was actually true.
The island has an area of approximately 2.8 square kilometers and a population of 131 (according to the 2015 Population Census), many of whom are farmers and fishermen. As we visited one house after another, the residents informed us that it was “impossible to raise dogs on the island” and that “keeping one would bring a curse” upon them.
Sueko Sakamoto, 88 years old, affirms that “there was a dog hunt back in the day.” This occurred more than 50 years ago, when someone brought a dog onto the island. Residents scattered meat throughout the island to lure and catch it. In recent years, the residents have become more tolerant to returnees and travelers bringing their dogs onto the island temporarily, but their fear of dogs remains quite intense.
There are, however, some residents who are dog lovers. Last November, the elderly of the island got together to craft dog dolls to celebrate the Year of the Dog. “Real dogs are a no-no, but dolls are fine,” says Shigeno Ogata, a 90-year-old woman who is thought to be the oldest on the island.
Shigeno Ogata
Had no one on the island ever kept a dog? Just when we were about to give up, we met Junko Sō, a 59-year-old nursery school teacher. “We had a dog for just 3 months. That was 17 years ago,” she says. “We were probably the only family that ever owned a dog on this island.”
Junko had decided to get an indoor dog after her then 3-year-old daughter begged her for one. The puppy had been small enough to fit on her palm. “I used to take it out for walks after dark and make it go up and down the hill in front of our house, so our neighbors wouldn’t find out.”
Her relatives repeatedly reminded her that “keeping a dog was unacceptable” and that “it would bring harm to the entire island.” As the dog grew bigger, its barking became much more noticeable. Reluctantly, Junko’s family had to give up their dog to relatives who lived off the island.
“He was whimpering, ‘I don’t want to leave.’” She still vividly remembers the way her dog looked like at the docks.
And so, we were left with one simple question: why are dogs banned on this island in the first place?
We heard several stories about misbehaved dogs: one that ate offerings to the Shinto gods; one that bit a Shinto priest’s leg while he was on a horse; one that peed on a Shinto priest, and one that gnawed at the shrine pillar… While these stories vary ever so slightly, they all revolve around Yasaka Shrine, located at the southern end of the island.
No one was there when we visited the shrine. There were, however, stone-carved guardian dogs sitting neatly on both sides of the two torii shrine gates. We looked around but could not find a single bite mark of a dog. Ultimately, we interviewed a total of 44 people on the island but could not find a single clue behind the lore.
The Your Special Mission News Crew searched for relevant information at prefectural libraries in Saga and Fukuoka, as well as the National Diet Library in Tokyo. While we did find a fieldwork report from 1952 that mentions that all residents participate in a dog hunt for as long as it takes whenever a dog set foot on the island, no reason was explained (Ritō Seikatsu no Kenkyū, The Folklore Society of Japan).
Even Takao Furusato, a 62-year-old man who is the chief priest of both Furusato Shrine in Karatsu City as well as Yasaka Shrine on the island, admitted “I don’t know the details of the origin of this legend.” Thus, the Year of the Dog arrived while the mystery remained unsolved.
Kakara Island is known to be an island of many cats
The absence of dogs may explain the reason that Kakara Island is known to be a Nekojima: an island of many cats. Wild boars have also increased in number in recent years. There are an estimated 300 wild boars, far more than the inhabitants, and crop damage has become a serious issue.
A 67-year-old woman whose farm had been overrun, says in a hushed tone: “Dogs could bark and drive off pests, but no one can keep one. They don’t want be held responsible if anything bad happens on the island.”
The “Dog-less Island” is experiencing an unanticipated side effect, due to their devotion to of their ancient traditions.
戌年も犬の居ぬ島 佐賀・加唐島 「罰当たる」由来は謎
西日本新聞 犬が居ぬ島
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Hey @westjapandaily, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
Thank you for your comment (from our team member)!
Great One, i had to read it all. Thanks for nice and interesting content, hoping to read more of this here on your page.
Yes, We're considering what kind of story we should post for the community... Thank you!
This is so interesting - even though I love all animals I have a soft spots for cats so I will feel very at home
Thank you, maybe you like this island...
I love this kind of news. Interesting history.
I'm glad to hear that. Thanks!
What a fun story! I can tell I'm going to enjoy following your articles. An island without dogs makes me sad though. :)
a dog less island sounds like my kind of place, no endless barking unlike Tucson AZ where I live now, that should be renamed Dog City.
Wow interesting. Now we know more abt Japan. 👍