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RE: Florida School Shooting Censored on Steemit- Blatant Censorship by @sneak on One of the Most Revealing Posts Ever on Steemit - Post with 850 Views

in #news7 years ago

Just as a general FYI, your original post now has received enough countering upvotes to be visible again. Which is a positive sign of what can be done when a community pulls together.


Yep, it wasn't truly censored other than in "potential financial awards" as people could still see it. It just was made less visible without effort.

There are flaws on steemit, and sometimes the guy doing it is far too powerful to counteract. Sometimes they are. :)

This is actually tied more to the reputation system than the power in terms of visibility. The potential earnings are directly tied to power though.

Thanks. It was never about money. All the earnings will go to Patrick. It was that I had just uploaded a lot of information about the shadow government connections of the father of the main media personality David Hogg and then 5 minutes later the post was hidden. Its possible I overreacted somewhat as I have been up late researching and gathering material for this post for the last week now.

Censorship sucks. Especially when you work hard and then it is censored. It's hard not to REACT emotionally and as you did. You actually kept it calm. Didn't call @sneak names or anything. I've seen far worse reactions than yours. :)

Also if it was not about the money I have some good news for you. On the steem blockchain they can never TRULY censor you. They can make it harder (though not impossible) to view your content on some websites that view the blockchain like Steemit, but they can't actually delete it or completely block it.

So they can limit visibility but they can't actually completely censor it.

If you rely on the money to do your work here, or to devote as much time as it takes then the financial censorship is very real and can be a different story. People have to eat. If they work hard and this is their job and then someone down votes their potential earnings to ZERO then effectively the person would have to go do something else in order to survive, eat, pay bills, etc.

If that isn't a factor though, then they can't censor you. :)

That isn't a factor with me. I'm happy just to have a place to compile material and reach a good sized audience to help get the truth out there (or at least my perception of it). :)

And the audience is growing. :) You get to be part of making that happen too.

It was that I had just uploaded a lot of information about the shadow government connections of the father of the main media personality David Hogg and then 5 minutes later the post was hidden.

Definitely a vast conspiracy designed to SILENCE YOU, and not just you shitposting nonsense.