Your Lumens Will Now Buy You A Stellar Breakfast In This Fayetteville, Arkansas Cafe

in #news7 years ago

A fellow alumni of @jazzyfish was in the news recently because he has started accepting cryptocurrency at his business, The Prelude Breakfast Bar, in Fayetteville, AR.

They recently got a little love from the local news, as they are the first of their kind in the Fayetteville area!

Here's a bit of that article:

A cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, is an online currency that people can purchase and sell on the Internet.
Ben Parker, a co-owner of the Prelude Breakfast Bar, said he saw a boom in the currency back in December and started to look into it.
He eventually landed on accepting the cryptocurrency Stellar Lumens due to its fast transaction time and stability.
The restaurant implemented the change on Tuesday (Jan. 30) and since then Parker said they have had a large amount of phone calls.
Parker never imagined that the announcement would generate so much curiosity from the public.
All customers have to do if they want to pay for their meal with Stellar Lumens is scan a QR Code at the restaurant to get the process started.
“But then the guests have to fill in the amount that they are going to put in and the check number and various ways for us to track it, which is a little overwhelming for most people," Parker said. "We’re working with a couple of developers to try and create an app that will make it all streamlined. All you do is take a picture and it sends everything for you.”
Brad Cardwell, a Prelude customer, said he was excited to see a local business accept cryptocurrency.
“I think it’s great," Cardwell said. "I mean anytime… I did some research into some cryptocurrency and it seems legit so if a restaurant wants to accept that then I think it’s within that business owner’s right to do so.”
Cardwell said he could see himself making a purchase with the online currency sometime in the future.

Read the full article and see the video here:

They even added some info about using Lumens for beginners to the menu of their website:

So if you find yourself near the Fayetteville area with Lumens in your wallet, make a point to stop and have a bite for a great start to your day! @jazzyfish and I don't live far from there, and we even have friends in the area, so we'll likely make a point to stop by with some crypto to pay for breakfast!

You can find their website here: And their facebook page here:


It's just the beginning...

I'm going to a restaurant at New York that accept many crypto:

WhatsApp Image 2018-01-30 at 20.53.24.jpeg

I would so be accepting crypto right now with its value...seriously, getting a valuable investment for pennies on the dollar. Smart business :)

Hmm....I wonder if my portrait clients would pay in crypto... haha!

This is what a platform like Bitshares would be good for. If everyone had a Bitshares account, people could pay for goods & services in bitUSD, which is their USD-pegged coin. Instant payment, too. Okay, so you might have to wait for like 3 seconds.

Yeah, it's making people realize that they don't have to depend on banks to make transactions, pay for goods or services, or be any part of their life. It's a leap, but doable. And, I think our society is ready for a change.

Everything else has been updated, except for the systems used to transfer funds. Society is ready because it's overdue, IMO.

+1 to that. It's going to be hard to get over this first big hump of adoption into mainstream...but it's gonna happen...or the world is going to continue it's slow implosion.

You can always try :)

Great! I am sure that more and more companies and entrepreneurs will accept cryptocurrencies in their businesses, it is the future!

This is awesome news! Glad to see another Arkansas based company making use of crypto.

I am in Little Rock and there are a few places around here that accept Bitcoin and some other cryptos. Hopefully this is a trend that we see expanding sooner than later.

Very cool! I hadn't heard about the places in LR yet. I grew up in Harrison and currently in SW MO. Ben's cafe in Fayetteville is the closest one I've found so far.

There are a few that the local news has no problem picking up on:

In the new Outlets at Little Rock there is a 3D ride service that I believe accepts Bitcoin as well.

And there is a meetup coming later this month -

I run a PR company and have been accepting Bitcoin (and paying with it) for a few years now - admittedly not a lot of business with the crypto crowd yet but there is some and it is steady work.

Cool thumbnail pic, I cant wait for businesses to mass adapt crypto as a payment. Blockchains like Fuzex, crypterium and Litepay will make it alot easier i'm sure.

Thanks. I actually whipped that together really quick just for this post. :)

Needs more bacon.

I will never disagree with this sentiment, no matter the situation.

This is really exciting! I believe in the near future we will see a lot of business operations that will accept crypto for payments. Stellar Breakfast In Fayetteville! I love it! Great Share!

love@winstonwolfe, you live in Arkansas?? I Arkansas, it's a hidden jewel (maybe not so hidden anymore, but was at one time). Awsm that this guy's taking crypto for breakfast in Fayetteville. (can't read details right now, I'm busy upvoting yr posts HAHA). I grew up going to Beaver Lake with my bgf's fam every summer, who had a cabin there - and have chosen AR for many camping/float trips - love it! TC @winstonwolfe.