Well, if spending that much time on your site is important to you, you could just say so. :/
I don't have to come out to visit on my days off. Just let me know when your site is finished.
Well, if spending that much time on your site is important to you, you could just say so. :/
I don't have to come out to visit on my days off. Just let me know when your site is finished.
You act like I haven't just taken a whole day off of working on the 100 different things I've got currently going on to play video games with you on your days off. :/ I'm an incredibly busy person these days and I certainly don't mean to make it sound like you're a burden. But you have to understand that I have more people than just you relying on me to get a bunch of things done here in the next few days. Sorry if you took the comment the wrong way...
I love taking time off to spend with you. However for you to imply that any of my projects are more important than you is absurd. Especially given the fact I had just taken time off to spend it with you.