I don't expect this trend of the control grid re-centralizing to reverse until crypto springs an equity leak big enough to threaten the hegemony of the USD. Most in the west are happy to be slaves as long as they get to play with their high tech gadgets. It will be too late for them when they finally realize that their gadgets actually played them.
However, more than half the world is still outside of the control grid of banking finance and the centralized technocracy that comes with it. This will be the generation that adopts crypto use and renders the digital panopticon Google et al have erected ineffective, but it will take time.
I understand that many rely on Google, FB, Twitter, etc... but the free thinkers should withdraw from participation on centralized platforms and allow all slaves to sit in their ignorance for a while. The opposition you create is being used as a distraction to keep the enslaved masses from realizing how enslaved they are by being entertained (while not taking you seriously enough). At this point, you're not going to reach your audience, and they will just use it all against you when they decide to dragnet those of us who spoke out against their injustices. Once you disappear, they will finally realize that they have been locked down. You can't tell them that they are slaves, they must be shown that they are slaves.
One way to shift a huge amount of value out of Facebook and into Crypto is @jpbliberty’s Class Action Against Facebook & Google. All Steemians can join and get a nice payout at no risk if litigation is successful. https://www.jpbliberty.com/class-member-signup
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