Today Kim Dotcom, the infamous internet pioneer, made an interesting announcement. Kim Dotcom is the creater of the now defunct MegaUpload. He is currently working on what he calls Mega 2.0 and today he confirmed that Bitcoin will be used in this new project. here is his quote:
Every Megaupload file transfer will be linked to a tiny Bitcoin microtransaction. Get ready for Bitcache. Nobody will upload to any other cloud after Megaupload’s Bitcache goes live. 100 million Bitcache wallets. Bitcoin = $2000+ 2017
Just think of the incentive people will have to share content once money is involved. How he will be doing this exactly is not clear just yet. But it does look like there will be an automated reward for people uploading files. An interesting way for it to work would be as follows:
- A client that mines your computer (however fractional)
- Microtransaction automatically executes when downloading a file
- Uploader receives small reward
This effectively encourages people to upload files and also in a way assures some sort of quality.
So why is this good news for STEEM?
This might be the killer app the cryptoworld has been waiting for. At last the general public might see cryptocurrencies as something that has potential. For better or worse, I should add. For nowadays the only reason for crypto to make the mainstream news, is in the unfortunate case of a big hack and/or theft.
As proud and hopeful as we may be of any altcoin such as our beloved STEEM, Bitcoin has always remained the number 1 crypto people (read investors) look at. It's no secret that when Bitcoin goes up, so does all the rest. And when Bitcoin goes down, th rest goes down as well. This obviously is not always the case. Ripple and Steem are good examples of altcoins that don't always follow the Bitcoin trend.
However, seeing a massive surge will undoubtedly have a positive effect on ALL cryptocurrencies, including Steem. Seeing as Steem already has a unique concept in place, it will only mean more people will look into it and inform themselves of other crypto's out there, such as Steem. So all us early Steemians and Steemsters will be gladly rewarded for the writing, curating and voting we are doing right now!
This of course assumes this new project by Kim Dotcom will be a big success. But while I personally don't think it will cause a massive surge in Bitcoin price directly, I will aid towards mainstream adoption. And that is, in the long run, good for Bitcoin, and good for all other crypto's.

He is such a cool guy :D
he is an.. interesting character? ^^
yes, that as well...
Yeah, I like him very much
How is Kim going to avoid more raids by big bad Gov? Centralized servers can be shut down. Will be interesting I suppose. Not holding my breath however.
I'm sure he's aware and has learned from his mistakes in the past. He's capable of surprise, we know that much.