Suffering They Suffer Us :
Listen for a moment of an old voman, this grandmother lived alone in the old house dwelling without anyone else serving it, this is where he took shelter as well as worship in climbing his old age.
Dengarkan sejenak seorang wanita tua, nenek ini tinggal sendirian di rumah tua yang tinggal tanpa ada orang lain yang melayaninya, disinilah tempat berlindung sekaligus beribadah memanjat umur tuanya.

Upon the local village community's acceptance, someone sent me a picture through a facebook. the sender said, if possible please help to fix this roof of the house nek cut, which is no longer feasible to occupy.
Setelah penerimaan masyarakat desa setempat, seseorang mengirimi saya foto melalui facebook. pengirimnya mengatakan, kalau memungkinkan tolong bantu memperbaiki atap rumah nek cut ini, yang sudah tidak layak lagi untuk ditempati.

Because in everyday life this grandmother is no longer able to earn a living,
even for the cost of daily meals alone can not afford, children and relatives are not unhelpful but they live below the poverty line.
Karena dalam kehidupan sehari-hari nenek ini tidak lagi bisa mencari nafkah, Bahkan untuk biaya makanan sehari-hari saja tidak mampu, anak-anak dan kerabatnya tidak membantu namun mereka hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan.

Poor grandmother is very unfortunate fate, so with the state of the house when it rains he can only resign himself, if at night he must feel the night chill that pierces through the breeze of the night wind, which breaks through the hole board and rotted wall of his house.
Nenek malang itu sangat disayangkan nasibnya, jadi dengan keadaan rumah saat hujan dia hanya bisa mengundurkan diri, jika di malam hari dia harus merasakan kedinginan malam yang menembus angin angin malam, yang menerobos papan lubang dan membusuk. dinding rumahnya.

My hope to the government ACEH, as well as the exaggerated treasury please help the troubled NJAK CUT grandmother.
Harapan saya kepada pemerintah ACEH, dan juga perbendaharaan yang melebih-lebihkan tolong bantu nenek NJAK CUT bermasalah.
Hopefully in old age this grandmother can worship and rest comfortably.
because he did not want to go home to his son, and prefer to live in solitude, perhaps because Njak children 'live in poverty, so he did not want to increase the burden of their lives.
Semoga di usia tua nenek ini bisa beribadah dan beristirahat dengan nyaman. Karena dia tidak mau pulang ke anaknya, dan lebih memilih untuk hidup dalam kesendirian, mungkin karena anak Njak 'hidup dalam kemiskinan, maka dia tidak mau menambah beban hidup mereka.
Name | : NJAK CUT mahmud |
Date of Birth | : 6 MAI 1921 |
Address | : Cotlubeng VILLAGE |
District | : pandrah |
District | : BIREUEN ACEH |
Nice post followed and up vote u i hope u will do same for me please
Thanks @pranto.