Someone was convicted of murder and sentenced to death because a man he only met in a bar pretended his own phone battery had gone flat so the stranger requested if he could use his phone to call an uber taxi to take him home. Note that uber records details of any phone that contacts them for service. So when the following morning the driver was found dead and the car missing, the uber company produced to the police the details of the phone used in calling the cab and that's how the man who gave his phone to that stranger got implicated and eventually got convicted.
Please dont give out your phone to any stranger/person to send text or do any other thing on it as you run the risk of being implicated in a crime you know nothing about.
It is safer for you to treat everyone as a suspect and advisable to refuse such request.
Ok so i am not entirely sure what's more interesting, the news or the image in front of the news 😁
Hmmm my guy chillax jor.. Lol.
Very complicated life story. Thank you for writing so much. This article teaches a lot!
Interesting. Scary. And you look great in pink.
Thanks baby