Preppers Online Weekly - Issue 2
The objective of the Preppers Online Weekly is to raise awareness and hightlight to the larger Steemit community of the awesome articles produced by Preppers (and some Homesteaders)
If you are a Prepper and produce articles here on Steemit and want to submit an article, simply join the above Preppers Discord Server and post in the “prepper-newsletter” channel
@jackdub @ligayagardener @preppervetuk
Articles I, II and III
@jackdub is introducing us to and then bringing us Part i and Part ii of 8 months living off grid!

Part i

Part ii

Article IV
@ligayagardener is writing about another edible weed, which most of think is poisonous, but is actually not!
Article V
@preppervetuk is building a shelter out of a tarp and it’s the Paracord vs Bungees debate.
That was the first of the Preppers Online Weekly! Thank you for reading and if you are a Prepper (or Homesteader) and want to submit articles then all you have to do is join the Prepper Discord Server and Post them in the "prepper-newsletter" channel.
Its great to see folks coming together with their articles. A good collection of knowledeg building!
Sure is :)
GREAT to see these three members being highlighted!!
Thanks GD.....
Excellent newsletter @preppersonline , so much information to browse through. Keep bringing the great posts preppers :)
Thanks :)
Great job again! Im glad to be a part of it.
Thanks for your contribution man, wouldn't be possible without it :)