Ew, kotaku...
Honestly, you can do much better. Kotaku is not the kind of site you want attached to your reputation. They're infamous for cronyism amongst their writers, attacking their readership who ask questions, and being really nasty people in general. Stay far away.
You beat me to it, very well said.
I call them shitaku. (Shit talking)
I like that one! That's clever. Are you familiar with Deepfreeze.it?
Wow, thank you for this entirely.
I've never seen this but quickly bookmarked.
It's one of the better things to come out of #GamerGate. Solidly cited, responsibly updated. A handy tool overall when discussing the merits of quality journalism.
Just caught your name, DDR IS LIFE.
Did we just become best friends? Because I think we just became best friends.
Cheers to a happy fresh new friendship!